I think I *may* be taking delivery soon. I am hoping to drive across the country quickly after getting the car. Does anyone know if there is a break-in procedure? And would it matter if much of the first several days of driving were on interstates, instead of stop and go. I.e., would that be detrimental to early battery charging or battery life? Thanks
One week ago today I picked up my Prius in WY and drove 1300 miles back to Chicago. The only instruction given by the dealer was to vary speed by 5mph every 30min. Given that the speed limits in WY and SD are 75mph, I changed speeds every hour by 5mph ranging from 65 to 80mph while getting 48MPG. All is fine, as best I can tell. Will have the oil changed this week.
The owner's manual just says no hard acceleration during the first 600 (?) miles, and no hard braking (other than emergency) during the first 300 (?) miles. My dealer said not to worry too much about it. Toyota recommends oil changes every 5,000 miles. Changing the speed from time to time can't hurt, but I'm not sure it matters since, unlike conventional cars, the engine speed is not tightly linked to road speed. I don't think the manual specifically requires changing speed. I'm not positive about this.
600 and 200 miles, respectively. And yes, the manual says nothing about deliberately varying speeds, no doubt for the reason you point out. The dealer was just giving the advice he always gives.
after your rings are set in and your brakes are set in which is only a couple of hundred miles. just drive it like you stole it!
Am changing the oil early to flush out any possible small filings and misc stuff that may occur during manufacturing. Then I'll change to synthetic. This may sound extreme but have owned a couple of cars that went well over 100K miles and have yet to have any oil related problems. Brakes have been ok too. And considering I paid MSRP and got 48MPG on the trip home, you're darn toot'n I feel like I stole it. And Car & Driver magazine is right; never again will a car with so many benefits be offered at such a price.