2008/Touring model 115K miles. Brakes seem to be working fine but i get a pretty loud squeak when engaging the brakes at about 35mph that goes away quickly. It will start quietly if a greater speed, then squeak at 35 and then quiet again down to stop. Sounds like it is from front left but that can be tricky. I have tried the neutral polishing method suggested in many threads and it hasn't helped and i noticed the brakes do not squeak at all when in neutral. I am familiar with squeaking as an indicator on normal brakes but this is my first hybrid. Thoughts?
do a thorough inspection. if the pads and calipers are good, lube the slide pins. i think the is a lube for the back of the pads swell. make sure all the parts are there, i think there are anti squeak shims or something. check that the discs are smooth and not grooved. that being said, the fact that they don't squeak in neutral makes me think it has to do with when they are just lightly touching the discs.