after doing a smooth brake job on my gen3 prius 2010 with 180000km, I found sth wierd with one of the rear brake, the parking brake do not work on that side and second when I push the brake pedal it works but don't release, it seems the rotor stuck and when I try to turn it by myself after a while it get better.There is no leakage from the caliper but I dont know if the caliper piston get back by it self or can it be still caused by sliding pins or may be other issues that I am not aware. About parking brake I actually have no ideas is it need to be calibrate by the nut behind the caliper? (I turned the caliper piston in both clockwise and reverse to be sure that it can move easily and my brake pads is on their 30%). I appreciate any help in advance.
Paging @Mendel Leisk ... Were you aware of the need to orient the piston so that the cross pattern on its face is like an “X”? There’s a pin on the inner pad backing plate that MUST be between the spokes, and be solidly seated thus, or you will get continuous drag, uneven wear, etc. Raise the rear, apply/release parking brake and check that the wheels spin semi-freely. A good push should get them spinning 2~3 revs. if they’re dragging get back to me and I can walk you through the remedy.
Hi Mandel, I didnt know about x pattern importance I will check it tommorow and I dont know what is the pin on the inner pads(may I have a picture of that? sorry, I am not as expert as you are.) Whenever I apply parking brake nothing happen on that side and I can spin the wheel ( no difference between pushing down or releasing the parking brake) and when I push brake pedal it works but after it stucks and I have to make force spinning the wheel. I put back the wheel and drove in the parking I didnt hear any sound.
Pin is maybe too strong of a word. It’s like a little pill size protuberance on the pad backing plate. It’s there expressly to stop the piston from rotating. But if that pin has the piston spoke pattern ride up it screws everything up, pad has uneven pressure.
Hi Mandel, I hope you are doing well. Regarding to our discussion, I changed the rear pads, and put the piston at the proper position, sliding pins and piston get lubricated. Now, when I press parking brake it works but when I push it again to release the parking brake, brakes are still engaged and I cant spin the wheels on both sides , I saw there is a handle like at the medial site of caliper which is conected to the parking brake cable and on the other side there is a spring. when this happens I have to use hamer to push up the handle and then I am able to spin the wheels. Do you think that I have to disassemble all the caliper component specially the pistons and the handle, does it help to find something or you are more in the caliper replacement? I really appreciate your help.
Parking brake cable not releasing for some reason, or out of adjustment (too tight)? When you do get parking brake to release, then the wheels are fairly easy to spin, and will continue to spin a revolution or two after a push?
I would unhook the cables from the calipers. Then see if the levers on the calipers can be applied and release properly with some kind of tool. If that's ok then you're looking at cables that are adjusted too tight or are rusted up and seized. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.