My sister-in-law sent me this & I figured she worded it wonderfully that I'll just copy/paste! We stopped buying water bottles a few months ago, we have a few gallon bottles of water on hand for emergencies & then we use re-useable bottles. I also love my SIGG bottle!
I have a Kleen Kanteen water bottle. Actually, I bought two, so Dear Hubby has his own. Really nice to have! We went from buying a case of bottled water a week to buying the odd one bottle of water maybe once in a month. They are easy to clean, really easy. I personally would stay away from the resin lined ones. "Independant" testing and all, I still wouldn't trust them. The Kleen Kanteen is seamless stainless steel, inside and out. Has absolutely no taste residue, either.
The Siggs are very nice. Here at work, I have a glass VOSS bottle that I refill and wash every so often. It truly is sad the amount of plastic containers that are ignorantly chucked into a landfill and forgotten about, only to be made up for through the production of brand new plastic from raw materials. Reduce the amount of plastic you use. Reuse the plastic you can (without personal harm). Recycle the plastic at the end of its life.
How does that stainless steel work for you guys? I've always like the plastic sports bottles as when I work out I can remain active and just squeeze the water out. Currently, I'm using Nalgene. Is it difficult to get the water out of a non squeezable bottle? Also, what's the safest plastic for water bottles. I had heard the harder the better.
My wife and I are using Nalgene bottles as well, even though I have heard so many reports of them causing cancer etc. I did alot of research and never found a conclusive study on it from a reputable source.... so I went with it ::knock on wood::
There was a long and interesting discussion of tap vs. bottled water over in "Environmental Discussion", here. I posted a bunch of links and info over there that I'm feeling to lazy to excavate....