Hey folks, I know this topic has been posted/discussed before but I wanted to get the latest an greatest information in one place. Plus I'm travling a lot for work and I don't have the patience to sift through all of the listings. I've emailed a few of you directly but haven't heard back so I thought I would try everyone on this board. So thanks in advance for all of your help. I've recently become a new Prius owner (Last month I got a 2012 Prius 4 in Black). Living in LA, I really want to add some body effects that will set it apart from the thousands of other Prius drivers in this city. I don't want anything too crazy but something we a definite edge.` I found this one online - 2010, 2011, 2012 Prius Body Kit - Ground Effects Kit I really liked the way it looked but after seeing the Tommy Kaira mod on these boards, the West Coast Customs one I wanted just seems a bit ordinary. I have about $7,000 to play with (maybe $8,000). With that, I want to get lowering springs, new rims, bigger tires, illuminated sills, tint the windows and some sort of body kit. I'm upgrading my sub and speakers as well but that will come later. Can you kind folks recommend a place online where I can order a cool body kit? Which ones do you think are cool? Are there any places in LA that does this sorta work? Any help would be mucho appreciated! Thanks! Tom
try here: Aero Parts / Tuning Performance Auto Parts Online Shop - Auto-Style USA - Japan Car Parts JDM Parts and search under ZVW30, or check juicedhybrid.com, sigmaautomotive.com, or even ebay. good luck and post pics.
Thanks for the info. So is the ZVW30 what the 2012 Prius 4 is? I see that number a lot and I wasn't quite sure what it was.
I haven't responded to the message I saw from you last night because I was trying to catch up on everything from leaving my grandmother (I care for her full-time in my home) with my mother for the day. Then, I was spending any spare second trying to Google to find the possible problem with a loud, shrill squealing that occurred when I drove my car home last night from being at the shop having my wheels, tires, and coilovers installed....but I'm not ignoring u!! Regarding you having $8,000 (maybe) to play with, I exhausted the $25,000 "modification fund" that I was given whenever I paid the bodyshop their final labor bill of around $7000 a few months ago and drove my car home (I actually had to bum another $3,000 off my mom to pay all of that final bill). I still have all my electrical stuff to have completed (all my wiring for all my lighting I had done on the exterior), plus all my stereo stuff on the inside has to be installed and wired up. Knowing what I know now.....I can't possibly even fathom how you could do a body kit, tires/wheels, any suspension mods, stereo work, etc., for that price. Maybe everything I got was at the high end of the spectrum (I didn't check prices on the various kits ---- I just knew the specific look I wanted, and just looked all over the internet and every overseas magazine I could buy until I figured how I could pull the whole thing off. I'll have to honestly admit, I thought I had PLENTY of money to do everything with, and that I'd have a ton of money still left over. One of our members here had wisely told me beforehand to make sure that I had the money to complete a modification process before undertaking it.....I totally understand what he meant now! It'd been a number of years since I had done all these things to a car, so was completely blown away whenever that money just seemed to fly out of the account. Times have changed with the almighty dollar! So, I'd have to recommend hitting up one of the other members who have done pretty much everything that u are looking to do to your car, then find out if they were able to complete everything under your budget. You might be able to do it with one of the cheaper kits like the Five Axis (or is it 5 Axis?) that a number of other members put on their cars. Seems it was under or around $1500.....of course I could have imagined reading that somewhere... Seems like the Kenstyle kit is over $4000. You definitely won't be able to do anything Tommy Kaira for that price (just the Kaira rear wing on my kit was $1200....unpainted), so the other pieces surely cost a lot, also. Anyhow, there's always the chance of getting a bargain somewhere, but I think it'll cost more than you might anticipate....
Crap, that's what I was afraid of! Thanks for your input - I really appreciate it. Yeah, $8K is about my limit so I may just have to go with the one I found on Prius Accessory and call it a day!
Im a real newbie here but I looked at the link to the kit you put up and the same basic look is available from Axis Five for about $1000 or direct from them prepainted to match your car for about $1900, its a easy install, all double sided tape and a few screws so it would be inexpensive to have installed if your not willing to do it yourself. Add a custom set of wheels and tires for $1000-1600 and springs with labor for $ 500 and you have your body kit, tint for $ 200.00 lowered and tires and wheels for way under $ 4000.00 total. Amazon.com: 3dCarbon 691710 10-12 Toyota Prius Five Axis Design 4-Piece Ground Effects Kit - Unpainted: Automotive Five Axis Edition Toyota Prius - 2010-11 Toyota Prius - Edition Vehicles
Out of the less expensive kits, that Five Axis one would probably be my choice. For my next step up the cost ladder, the link that Tom included in his message was also a nice choice. I liked the different opening in the pieces. They make it look rather sporty for the price. It would be worth the more expensive price, to me, if I could figure out how to squeeze fitment, installation, painting, and all the other things that he wanted out of the remaining funds he's got for this specific undertaking.
I contacted Five Axis and they told me their kits do not fit a 2012 Prius. So I guess I'm out of luck.
Did Five Axis give any indication that they were MAKING the kit so it would fit the 2012? I like that one u posted in your first link, with all the openings in the pieces. Kinda racey looking....