I have experienced a problem registering at Treo 650 with the Prius... and now a friend is having what appears to be the same problem. Scenarios: 1) On my daughter's new '06 Prius, I registered my Sprint Treo 650 without problems... and was able to make and receive calls. The Prius was set to the default settings Name = "HANDS FREE"; Passkey = "1111". THen I changed the name of her Prius bluetooth device to "JENNS PRIUS" anticipating getting my personal Prius. I lost the registration of my 650 with her car... and I could never get them synched up again. Subsequent trials to register my Treo resulted in the promt to enter the passkey on my 650. The Treo seemed to link up successfully... but the Prius would never indicate a successful completion. 2) On my personal new '06 Prius, I first changed the name of the bluetooth name to "JIMS PRIUS", and I changed the passcode. I was able to connect my Treo 650 successfully to my car... and it seems to work very well. 3) A friend has TMobile using an unlocked GSM Treo 650 with her '06 Prius. She tried the same thing as me (#2 above), but it would not register. She then changed the name back to the default (HANDS FREE) and tried to re-register her phone and has the same problem. Today she brought it into the dealer who noticed another quirk. When she goes through the registration process... she is promted to enter the passcode into her 650, and after she does it shows a successful completion... but then very quickly flashes a screen that says "disconnected". Meanwhile... the Prius is stuck in the screen that says it is waiting for the registration to complete (same as #1 above). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get everything reset so she could try and register her devices again? I appreciate any advice. I did search the boards... but could not find this particular issue, so I decided to start a new thread. /Jim
Unplug the NAV ECU. It should reset the Bluetooth in the Prius. (Not sure if this will fix the problem, but it can't hurt. Nate
I am having problems with my Treo 650 too. First I can help you with your problem. If you are having problems getting it to connect, first I would suggest to soft reset the Treo. Then, after you get the message on the phone that it is paired, (and the Prius screen still gives you the message to input the code into your device) just make a phone call. Usually this will complete the connection for the car. Now that I've got my phone and Prius to know each other I do get the message that it's connected when I first get into the car. But here's MY problem....it disconnects very quickly. I was having this problem where I do have auto connect chosen...so now I go back to this screen for settings and manual select CONNECT again and all is well for another minute. I could get it to connect but it would disconnect before I could get it to transfer my phonebook. Eventually, just doing that over and over (connecting it manually and quickly changing screen to transfer phonebook) I got it to work and transfer. So now my phonebook is in there, yeah! Today I made phone call with phone connected, then about 5 minutes later my phone rang, but of course, it was no longer connected! GRRRRR...what's up with this? I'm wondering if it's a problem with the Treo or with the Prius bluetooth. I'm thinking Treo because I think the bluetooth connection with my Razr is steady. I've only had the car for a day so I need to experiment more...but any help you knowledgable prius owners can offer....I'm ready to learn.
I'm having the same problem. My Treo was working better then perfectly. I could pair up automatically, receive call waiting calls and switch between them w/out loosing either call, and even hqave the car connect while I was on the phone while turing hte car on. It was wonderful. Well, one day my phone just crapped out completely. I had to do a hard reset and reinstall everything from my computer. I went to connect it to my Prius again, and it took forever. Now I have the same problem. Everything is set up just like it was before, but now mine too disconnnects after only a short while. If I manage tomake a call in the first few seconds it stays connected during the call, regardless of duration, but it disconnects once I end the call. It will still auto-connect every time I start the car, but hte connection drops right away. I tried to reset everything but have had no success. I think it's the phone, as the phone crash was the turning point.
Verified.... I should have mentioned this in my original post. She is out trying the reset followed by phone call trick right now. Film at 11. /Jim
It's the big connector on the box under the driver's seat. Fixed my problem caused by simultaneous use of a headset with the 650 and the car. COULD NOT fix the problem any other way. Even blanked out the Treo. YES, update the firmware in the Treos before trying to get them working. Nate
I want this to work! I see Bluetooth connected when I get into the car, but down the road when it rings -- NOT connected. If I watch it on phone screen it seems it will only stay connected for less than a minute BUT if I'm on a call, it stays connected the whole time, then disconnects when I hang up. I haven't tried a HARD reset, but that's rather drastic. I've messed with my phone settings and options and nothing seems to have an effect. Maybe I'll try disconnecting that box but I'm having XM install by Factory Interactive this afternoon and maybe I'll wait until that's done to work on this any more. UNLESS someone has another suggestion.....
Maybe I didn't make this clear, but this is the exact problem I had with my Treo 650. The ONLY fix was to unplug the NAV ECU. You'll know you've done it correctly because when you go to the NAV screen, it will say "Loading..." or something as it resets. Nate
Well guess it's not the same problem after all - tried your suggestion and still have exact same result. Connects fine...disconnects within 1 minute (less). My Razr works perfectly but I want to use the Treo. Grrrrrrr
I've been having the same issue with my cingular treo. I've gone through the firmware update, I've read almost all of the treo related posts and with the success of the rest of the mobile phones, treo seems to be an anomaly. If I want to use my phone, I have about 5 minutes after starting the car to make a call, if I do that, it works great. If I don't make a call, somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, I get Bluetooth connection failed on the screen and that's it. I can re-*pair* at my next stop, but the phone and car just won't speak to each other.
I've been using my Verizon Razr and it pairs flawlessly and works all the time! What an improvement. I called Verizon re: the problems I was having with the Treo and they were less than helpful (we don't support this -- call the Treo people). I searched through many forums and cannot find an answer. If there is program I run on my Treo which is causing conflict I'd probably gladly delete it. I just want this to work reliably! Until then I'm using the Razr and carrying around 2 cell phones...kindda defeats the purpose of having a smartphone, doesn't it?
Anybody get their unlocked GSM Treo 650 to pair with the Prius? The Prius hangs on the mating screen. V1.20 on the Treo... 2004 Prius Sprint Treo 650 works fine. Nate
If you had it unlocked a while ago there's a new firmware release for unlocked versions that would bring it up to date, maybe that would help. Sprint also released a new update for their Treo's, but I don't believe there was any bluetooth updates, just GPS improvements.
I had the same problem on my 2006 with a Cingular Treo 650. I went to the palm website and downloaded the Treo 650 Updater v1.17 and it completely fixed the problem. The Treo is now registered and it even shows the signal strength in the upper RH corner of the phone screen. Here is the website: http://www.palm.com/us/support/downloads/treo650updater/ Good luck, it worked for me.
Capecoralbill I'm at the same point you're at with my Cingular Treo 650; it's finally working after Updater v1.17. Does your Treo battery meter display on the MFD? Please, post your Location in your Profile and your Prius Year/Package in your Signature.