Has anyone tried using one of the bluetooth ELM 327 devices --- like the one shown here : http://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-ELM-Scanner-OBDII-Diagnostic/dp/B004B7YXOM I recently purchased a nearly identical unit (same design, different sticker on top) from ebay. When I plug it into my ODB-II port, one of the 5 LEDs lights up ... and I can't seem to discover the device in order to pair it. There were basically no instructions with this thing. Perhaps I am missing some magic process to put it in discover mode? There are no external buttons .... so, not sure what I could possibly do. Anyhow --- if anyone has experience with a similar device, I'd appreciate any input. It could just be the case that I received a dud ... in which case I'll try to send it back for a new one.
Ok ---- The device is fine. I tried pairing it to my iPhone, but my iPhone never sees it. I also tried pairing it to my laptop, but my laptop wouldn't see it either. Turns out a) my laptop's bluetooth is actually on the fritz. and b) this device just simply won't pair with an iPhone. I had a friend with an Android phone come out to my car -- and he paired with it just fine. There is something about the iPhone (using iOS5 on a iPhone 4 BTW) that is causing the device to never be discovered. I'll try with an iPad later --- but I am doubting I'll see any difference. Edit : Yeah -- -had I spent enough time using the search function, I would have discovered that only wifi ODB-II adapters work with the iPhone. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to use it with a used Android or something.
I need help with this same adapter. Rather than starting a new thread I thought Id start here... I just purchased the same adapter to use with my Android phone and Torque. When I first plug it in to the OBD port all the led's light up in sequence but then only the red light stays on. After doing some searching I found out that the pairing code is 6789. It didnt come with the code when I bought it on ebay. (not surprised, it came from china) So it is now paired with my cell phone but Torque doesnt seem to be connecting to it and only the red light is iluminated on the adaptor. What am I doing wrong?
After you paired it with your phone, go to Torque Setting and choose the one you just paired. Once you configured it, it should work.