After about a min once bluetooth connects it fails. In setup under bluetooth it says it's off and pushing it does nothing. My phone shows bluetooth on and still paired. If I was talking to someone call does not get dropped but I have to pick up my phone and turn off bluetooth so I can hear them on phone speaker. Tested my phone on a nissan and it worked Fine with Bluetooth. Confused?
try un-pairing you phone from the car then re-pair it. Un-pair from the Prius dashboard not the phone. delete phone on the prius dashboard then re-discover your phone.
Yes thank you I have tried that multiple time with no luck. It's just so frustrating because it successfully connects everytime I start the car and then a few minutes later nothing and says bluetooth off and the only way to get back on is to turn car off and then restart.
I had to do a full restore on an iPhone 4S once because it just wouldnt connect to my car anymore. It had worked fine since I got the car, worked fine that morning, then all of a sudden, that afternoon, it just wouldnt connect anymore. If I recall, the phone would say I was connected but the car said I wasnt (or it could've been the other way around). In any case, I blew the phone away, restored it with factory firmware (and I didnt restore my data.. just started fresh) and everything was back to normal. Not saying this is the answer, but just throwing it out there. More recently, I had a bluetooth issue where it would just randomly drop my bluetooth connection. It happened after I removed one of the two bluetooth pairings I have in the headunit. In that case, I did what PK suggested, removed the pairing and just repaired and things were back to normal. Also, if you havent already tried, a reboot of your phone may also be worth a shot. You may also want to let everyone know what phone you have.
Well after trying all previous suggestions except the erase everything and start from factory new I had no luck getting it to work. I started deleting apps that were on my phone that I did not use anymore or did not know how they got there in the first place. I was doing a couple at a time then turning my phone off then back on and checking the bluetooth. That was taking too long and I had about 15 more to get rid off so I did the last 15 at once and now my bluetooth works again. So my guess is one of the 15 programs I uninstalled or turned off was messing with my bluetooth.