Alright, so I've replaced my foam insulation 4 times already (I've split the upper grille in two so two above the grille and two below). Now the new stuff has gone missing...well one of the four pieces have. I keep losing them when there's heavy rain. I've already stuffed them as far in as they can go. Anyone having problems with keeping the foam in place? I know the lower air dam ones can be held by zip-locs but not with the upper ones. I think I'm using ½ inch pipe IIRC
Tideland, I did last year when I first put mine in. Then I cut new pieces. I just cut the insulation in half, but not in half again. Use the 1/2 pieces folded. They should fit in snug enough in the upper grill. In the lower, I do half them again because the lower vents are smaller. Hope this works. Best of luck. (BTW, you are using the grey/black foam pipe insulation, right?)
Hey rangerdavid, yeah it's the black foam. And yes, I cut the pipe lengthwise so I have two semicircles and stuff those in. I've pushed them in further this time and they're almost flush with the grille now (used to be bulging out). Hopefully they're stay this time. As side note, the hood was awfully cold after a 30 min run in the rain. Usually you can feel some warmth when you touch the hood.
I've seen grill blocks where zip ties were used to secure the tubes. The trick is to cut two small holes to thread the tie through so that it doesn't loop over the tubes then squish them and let the outside air in.
This is what I did to secure the top foam pieces: I threaded some long twisty-ties behind the vertical support piece of plastic that supports the metallic piece, then I rotated the twisty ties so they the two ends are vertical, one at the top part of the slit, one at the bottom part of the slit. then I stuck the foam between the top and bottom sections of the tie and stuffed it into the grill, then i twisted the tie, effectively trapping it between the ends of the twisty ties and the support behind the top grill.
I think I lost mine last spring at the hands of street urchins who realized they make great play swords! This time I'm going to zip tie them in place or electrify the chrome strip!
I had experiemented last winter with some fiberglass insulation around my ICE. I had wedged one piece on the back side of the ICE sort of near the manifold realizing that that spot was a likely big area that could lose heat as it is directly exposed to the outside. But there was no good way to secure it on there and I was pretty sure it would be lost right away. Never went under there to check...until a couple weeks ago when I went to reinstall my EBH (long story, see the thread if you're really bored). But there it was...the same piece, hadn't moved an inch, stayed there all winter/spring/summer....and it's still there now.