I have recently run into, a company that does not " allow " plug ins, no reason given? If you have run into the same situation, list the company, club whatever on this site. Should this be a company you work for it can still be listed by a friend or a fellow Priuschatter. This is a unique situation as I have previously had no problems. Most companies are cooperative. I will start the list with: # 1. Jackson Indian Casino.
I think he means companies that don't allow him to plug in his car. Some might see it as a liability or something.
Ditto... The post makes it sound like they just don't want those types of cars there but that would be ridiculous so I too am hoping he meant they just won't allow him to plug in there but the car is otherwise welcome on the property.
Or it could mean that the company doesn't want their employees to own a plug-in since that would indicate they are somewhat level-headed and secure in their own person which doesn't mesh well with most corporate cultures.
Correct. I asked the reason but all the employee said was that they did not allow it, I did not give the employee (Security guard) any grief as he is a employee and just following instructions. I actually don't care about the reasons, although I wouldn't mind receiving some positive remarks. For a Casino it is a pretty retarded policy. No other Casino has this policy, in fact most go out of thier way for me, generally allowing me to park in thier Valet area, I drive, I park. . There have been Posts on PC where mgt. would not cooperate and install outlets or chargepoints.
You do realize that a private company has no obligation to give us free fuel unless they happen to feel like it?
I am not clear about the answer to the question as to whether the employer prohibits employees from owning plug-ins, or whether the employer simply does not permit plug-ins to be plugged in on their premises.
To kenmc: How NAive do you think I am? I am attempting to ecourage free charging as a civic jesture, if they want to sell me use of thier outlet, that's all right too. But by having a EV,BEV,hybrid, obligates one to encourage and educate others. As usual Charles you have misconscrewed my post. Try reading all the post on the thread FIRST. My post has already been clarified.