From a surfing website I belong to: Bill Nye the Science Guy here. As a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists and also a hybrid owner, I was excited when I was asked to introduce you to the UCS HybridCenter! www.HYBRIDCENTER.ORG is the place to go for information about hybrid vehicles. It combines scientifically-sound, solution-oriented research with comprehensive consumer information, helping drivers and policymakers alike separate hybrid fact from fiction. We need your help to make the HybridCenter a real “vehicle for change.†So send your valentine to the planet by joining in our HybridCenter Earth Day Challenge! Here's how hybrid owners, and everyone who cares about clean car solutions, can join me in the fun: # 1000 Hybrids by Earth Day: If you’re a Hybrid owner, come join me on the HybridCenter’s “Who’s Got Hybrids?†feature—a collection of pictures and testimonials from hybrid owners around the nation. Our goal is 1000 hybrid owners on the site by Earth Day—April 22. CLICK HERE to join in, and get a free “Cool Car—Cool Planet†static cling window sticker (even better than mine because you can put it anywhere—and no glue!) # Join the HybridCenter Driving Change Network: It’s not just for hybrid owners, folks. Driving Change Network members will receive special HybridCenter updates, action alerts, and opportunities to make the world a better place and have some fun doing it! So click away, friends, and let’s make this Earth Day a celebration of clean vehicle technologies, consumer power, and their potential, together, to help our planet. Sincerely, Bill Nye
I joined too...what's funny is that not 5 minutes before I saw Bill Nye on CNN with his new wife and they were talking about how he'd just gotten married.
If you look around, you'll see the virtues of a PHEV being mentioned... and then in other places, Nye is holding a yellow extension cord and extolling the virtues of NOT having to plug it in. He sounds down-right giddy that his lovely car only burns gasoline. And goes onto say that's the best way to get good gas mileage AND save the planet. Grrr.
I'd like to join but the link site went dead on me. After the link to the site on Bill's email failed to connect, I copied and pasted and tried to run it direct from my server; stlll nothing. Bob p.s. anything about solar homes on this site or is it all about hybrid cars?
Joined. And posted the link on the website. 1000 by Earth Day? Piece of cake. But I really wish they had a counter of some kind on the website where you could see how many hybrids have registered. I looked and couldn't find one. And someone should invite Bill Nye, as a prius owner, to join us here at Priuschat.
As cars go, hybrids are pretty good. But they're still in the category of "less bad" rather than "beneficial". You're a nice guy, Bill Nye, but saving the planet with cars is like putting out fires with gasoline.
More like putting out a forest fire with a water pistol... but it's better than doing nothing... Imagine millions of water pistols!!
I thought they had a nice comparison chart. You could compare hybrids to each other and to generic gasoline only cars. Also a nice chart to customize to your driving and time you own the car. I liked that it had number of barrels of oil and emissions in the mix, not just the typical mpg. I'll probably go back and visit to see how things are progressing. I'm not in my picture and it's not a great picture so I doubt I'll be posted. I just hope I'm "counted" when they finally get a counter up. Looking forward to my sticker. Will display it proudly.
I was going to join but I'm not willing to provide that much of my personal information on anything but a secure site where I've read and am in agreement with the security statement.
He is down-right giddy. At least it seems all his characters I can think of were; like SpeedWalker and one of the high-fiving white guys. I think I saw him in a restaurant once, I guess he didn't seem that giddy in real life.
Our family loves Bill Nye. The great use of humor to convey science in the Bill Nye the Science Guy programs got my kids hooked on science at an early age. It showed them science can be fun and interesting. Bill's a great comedian, but also has really helped our education system. (We met him at a book signing in Seattle. He was pretty serious then after signing 500 books).
I think he's great too. I don't consider myself a very green person, maybe a little more aware/concerned than the average person. If I were though, I think having Bill Nye as a representative for any technologies that will help in any way towards a cleaner planet would be a plus. It may not be the instant answer but some movement in the right direction is better than none. Making people receptive to change is the first step. I'm not sure that beating them on the head with a "You're not doing enough" attitude is the only approach. I think an amiable guy like Bill Nye who can educate kids (and adults) is perfect for raising awareness on cleaner technologies. Of course, I'll be signing up too.
I have no idea if that form submission worked, and there doesn't seem to be any way to check or edit it. . _H*