So I've been looking at BG products lately as a way of preventative maintenence for my 2010 w/ 148k miles. I've seen a few posts around the forum with positive reviews for the EPR, 44k, and MOA products but I saw on their website that certfified places will perform an EGR service. Is anyone familiar with it, used it? Do you all think it would actually be beneficial if done, say, every 15k miles? BG EGR Service Tool | BG Products, Inc. I was also looking at the Hybrid Performance where they'll use EPR, 44K, and MOA and thinking of doing that for my next oil change. My oil burning isn't that bad but I wonder if it would help decrease consumption at all. Hybrid Performance | BG Products, Inc.
I used their products and I feel it helped control the oil consumption on our 2010. But I used the extended life MOA which helps keep the oil basic for the 10 k mile oil change interval. No experience with the induction service, but call your local BG Products rep and I’m sure they can help you understand the value and if it is worth the investment .
There was so much gunk in my intake valves when I was cleaning my EGR it makes me wonder what else is gunked up in and around the engine. Some of their products and services sound promising, but I'm wondering if it's worth the money or if I should just let it be.
Their reps are knowledgeable on their products. I’d call them up and ask for examples so you can understand their recommendation better. Maybe get an email address and share some pics for clarity . Good luck and keep us posted .
They have a new 44K that's specifically for hybrids. I don't see it for sale on Amazon yet but they do have the regular, is the regular 44K what you've been using?
The rep in my area told me the hybrid version was just a rebrand of the regular stuff. Take it with a grain because I don’t have proof. It does have the same PN208 as does the regular Platinum.
Yup. I use it between both of our vehicles as they have the required 20 gallon capacity . Good luck and keep us posted .
Ah OK. So it should be fine to run an entire bottle through then, rather than split it between tanks.
What's interesting is that when I was running 44k in the gas tank, I was burning oil at a rate of a quart every 1200 miles. I checked the oil after roughly 600 miles of driving and it was 3/4 of the way to the bottom mark on the dipstick. Also very dirty so seems the 44k was doing it's job. I topped it off w/ the regular toyota 0W20 and the rate continued. Since the oil was dirtying up I took it in for an early oil change, around 3000 miles I think. That was surprising and a bit alarming, since I didn't recall my car burning at that rate previously. Well since my last oil change it's gone back to normal, after 500 miles I didn't see a noticable drop on the dipstick. So the 44K was somehow mixing in with the oil and causing a fast burn rate. Any ideas what may have happened and if it's a cause for alarm? Well, now I'm reconsidering doing the BG service. At least not all of it. I may just have them do EPR to clean the engine, and then I'll add MOA myself and skip the 44K. Maybe running it at the end of the year in the tank before the next oil change.
Sounds like engine oil dilution; gasoline contaminating engine oil. Every time you drive the car, do you get it up to operating temperature? If not, fuel may past piston rings down to crankcase oil.
Try the EPR and MOA. Why not club up on the oil viscosity too? I was running 0w-40 and it ran very well in our 2010. Another knob to turn.
Do you mean letting it warm up before leaving the driveway? I have started doing that, but previously wasn't unless I was planning to get onto the freeway. I think I was doing that while using the 44k, but I don't recall.
I probably will go up to something heavier at some point, but right now just experimenting to see what I can do as preventative measure. I read the older thread about a member who seemingly mitigated their oil burning after running six bottles of Techron through, so I figured a couple cans of 44K would be just as if not more effective. I bought the second can but I'm holding off since it had the effect of speeding up the burning. Though I am really curious if it did help to clean the piston rings at all, especially if it was blowing by and mixing with the oil. My next step is to try EPR and MOA w/ the next oil change and taking note of the burning between then and the next change. Long term experimenting I guess.
I also think that after the 44k, I'm getting better mileage. Previously I was averaging 48mpg and it took some real effort to get to 50mpg, now I regularly get around 50 - 52.
Update: At my last oil change I flushed the engine with EPR and then poured MOA in afterwards with the fresh oil. I just checked the dipstick after 500 miles and the oil level is still above the top notch, looking like it's barely moved at all. I'm curious as to where it'll be after 1000 miles but I think it's a very positive sign. Previously, after 500 miles the level would be hovering around half way.
Anyone ever use their Dynamic Engine Cleaner & Oil Rinse? I tried contacting them, but they weren't helpful saying just go to the local service shop that uses their products.
I know that their EPR, 44K, and MOA are useful so I'd like to think that their services are trustworthy. But it might be best to just stick with those unless someone can vouch for the service. It sounds a lot like what EPR does, except you can do that one in your driveway.
Had the service done. It didn't stop the oil burning (not that I thought it would) but the oil definitely stays cleaner after an oil change then it used to.
I used it in mine. Twice. Went 5000 miles then changed the oil. Then ran it through again. I didn't notice some difference. I was using about 1.5-2 qts per 10,000 miles oil changes and last time at 7500 I used just over a quart. But I had been drivin 70mph a lot, normally I drive 65. So maybe about half a quart less. The oil was certainly a lot blacker then when I normaly change it, so it must of done some cleaning. I did 20 minutes each time. When I changed it the other day I add the pint of AT-205 Re-Seal. I will see what happens.