I own a 2007 Prius and recently bought a 2008. For some reason the 2008, with about 10,000 fewer miles, gets about 4 mpg less than the 2007. I can't understand why it doesn't get as good or better than the 2007. Any ideas?
Most people run with 42lbs.FT. 40lbs.R . Tire stores normally pressure to 30 PSI.I would not be under 35 psi. What make of tire? Hal
In a similar vein, what weight engine oil and is it over full? How clean are the engine and cabin air filters? Have you tested the 12 volt battery to be sure it is holding a charge?
Tires are a major cause of reduced MPG so I'd assume tires until proven otherwise. To do that you'd need to post the exact tire brand/model/size and inflation pressure. Without information people cant help you.
I just had it in at Toyota dealer for its 60,000 mile checkup. Hopefully, everything is as it should be.
Please answer uart's question. There can be significant differences in rolling resistance between different makes and models of tires, thus affecting fuel economy.
dealer will only set tire pressure to factory specs, around 34 psi i think. you need to run 42/40 for improved mileage. plus you say you have almost new tires. that is your problem. new tires will kill MPG's give it 1000-2000 miles, monitor your MPG's, all other thigs being constant, tire pressure driving route etc, mileage should improve. also if your 2007 was driven thru the summer months MPG's will be realtively high due to ideal weather conditions, if yhe 2008 was only driven in the winter so far it will get lower MPG's due to the cold weather. compare winter MPG's to winter MPG's and summer MPG's to summer MPG's my car takes a 5 mpg hit in the winter easily, just due to cold temps.
If you want help, please start a new thread and answer the questions at http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-answer-these-questions-esp-if-youre-new.html.
I run my integrities at 44 psi and they still have about 6 months of tread left after 45 months and 42000 miles of use.