Yes. Two ways in fact. One - by your dealership. Two - by the use of a ODBII tool such as the ScanGauge II. Depending on your persuasive ability, you might be able to get your dealership to do it for free. Tell them it is indicated in the Owner's Manual and they should do it for free. Takes about 5-10 min.
im still in the minority in that it confirms what the car is doing. i dont mind it. when i had my c for a short while it did not do it and i kind of missed it. however, it did not go to the dealership and demand that they add it. im not quite that nuts ...yet.
xliderider, How do you know what to do with the elmscan5 to turn off the beep ? Is there a chart like the scangauge that tells you want to enter as parms ? Thanks
After recently buying my new Prius, the beeping was driving me crazy. The dealership gladly adjusted it to the one beep mode for no charge. I opted for the one beep versus no beep so I know when Reverse engages... BTW I asked the salesman to ask the service department to do it at no charge - as the sales guy wants to keep you happy when you get the Toyota surveys etc...
There is a long thread in this forum that a member posted a batch file they made that will specifically allow you to select the reverse beep and passenger seat belt parameters. Just download the file, unzip it, hook up your elmscan5 to the OBDII diagnostic port and run the batch file.
My first reaction when I heard it was that I thought a trash truck was going to back into me.... I removed my using the Scan Guage. Just one beep heard when I put the auto in reverse. It'll work.