I have a 2007 Prius, 148,000 miles. 3 days ago I get the dreaded engine light and red triangle. Dealer says its a bad battery, costs for replacement is $4000. Private, self-proclaimed hybrid expert shop says $3000 to replace it. So I go with the shop. They call today to say it's done. I pick it up and don't even get out of the parking lot before the lights come back on. I take it back, they look at it again and say they're not sure, but the voltage on the new battery looks too high. They suggest driving it for a week to see if I "run down the battery a bit and let it settle in" maybe the lights will go off. If not, I should bring it back. They offered to keep it there for a week and drive it around, but I need the car. So Wth? I can't take it to another shop because I just spend $3000 with these folks. I guess I'm stuck with them until they fix it. Anyone had this issue with a brand new battery?
Did you buy a NEW battery for $3000? I sure hope you didn't spend $3000 on a refurbished product.......and at the very least, you paid with a credit card. Let's just hope they didn't take $3000 from you and just gave you back your car without doing anything to it.
In that case, they should be able to provide you with a Toyota invoice to them, that they purchased the battery. That receipt will give you a 1 year warranty from Toyota.
I don't think I've ever heard the line "drive it a week and see if the battery will stabilize". Sounds like he has no clue what he's doing
they gave me a 3 year warranty so they are not trying to charge me more. I will make sure the shop fixes it eventually. I'm just worried that this shop doesn't know what they're doing. And because I don't want to spend more money I have to stick with them. They bought the battery from Dorman Products.
you should be concerned. i think your c c company can help. they should be digging in while you're there to see what's wrong. if they don't have toyota tech stream analyzer software, shame on them.
They'll probably order you another Dorman battery, since there's a 3 year warranty on it. But you can't fault them if you agreed to the price....unless they didn't disclose it was refurbished.
Maybe I should just take the car back and leave it with them until they fix it. Quite an inconvenience, especially since they haven't offered a loaner car.
If there's a problem with the battery, they would need to put another one in.......if they don't have it in stock, then you would need to wait for it to be in stock. If they dig in there and try to fix it......it may void the Dorman warranty
Geez. What were you not thinking? Be skeptical, ask questions, trust LAST. What does the repair invoice/receipt you have say? Look at the front and back side. Refurbished/Rebuilt has to stated somewhere on the invoice; this might be accomplished by an asterisk mark w/ a table notation. It could be a general statement like all parts are refurbished/rebuilt, or even used, UNLESS otherwise stated. If it truly says NEW, this would be fraud, and you have a claim. The mechanics will say that they said it was a New Rebuilt battery that you agreed to. Obviously you will say that the mechanic only said NEW. Hearsay. Contact the Consumer Protection Division, of the Maryland Attorney General office. Maryland Attorney General - Consumer Protection Division File a complaint with the Better Business Burerau. Contact your Credit Card company as others have already pointed out. If this shop is an approved AAA facility, contact AAA to file a complaint. AAA wants to know about bad behavior, as they want NO association with bad people, and will remove their AAA approval, if warranted You always have small claims. But this will be tough b/c of hearsay. You have just learned an expensive lesson. 1) You should have noticed a large part price difference from Toyota dealer and the current fraudsters you rewarded. This assumes you got a printed quote from the Toyota dealer and one from the fraudsters. If you had both quotes, this would have been the first RED flag. 2) Warranty difference, second RED flag. Granted all Toyota parts have one year, unlimited miles; exception are struts/shocks installed by Toyota dealer have a lifetime part guarantee. You should have been wondering how are these fraudsters able to get a three year warranty when Toyota only has a on year warranty. You should have also been wondering where is this fraudster's battery commingf from. The upside, it could be worse. Your HV battery was completely out of Warranty. These poor people had a warrantable HV Battery replaced by a different fraudster (IMO). Toyota Prius Battery | PriusChat EDIT. Just dawned on me to get a different opinion/perspective, from a different shop and from knowledgeable people who don't want your money (like those here on PC). A one or two day car rental would have been a cheap approach while getting another solution/perspective; $50/day (being generous on rental fee and taxes) x two days = $100, while seeking opinions.
This would actually be funny, if it wasn't so sad. Yeah, it's a REAL bad sign when the place that just "fixed" your vehicle says they're not sure BUT....then their first attempt at resolution is to tell you to just keep driving it for a week and see if the problems go away...and then hilariously or maybe tear producing sad...their NEXT step in customer service is admitting THEY'ED be willing to use your damaged vehicle for a whole week if you let them. How does that work? If you don't want to drive your vehicle with the RED TRIANGLE OF DEATH and CHECK ENGINE LIGHT on around for a week hoping the problem just magically vanishes, they'll do you a big favor and "borrow" it for a week and drive it for you? Of course YOU won't have a car, but the upside is....????...THEY DO until yours totally breaks? You should of known better, or I told you so, or any derivative really doesn't do you any good. But this seems to be the old cliche that a warranty is only as good as the people and company backing it. 3 years of we ain't sure whats wrong...but just keep driving it...isn't much of a warranty. As far as what to do? I don't know. You're stuck between the shit pile and the fertilizer mound. These guys aren't Dorman...they just bought a refurbished Dorman Battery and installed it. I might try to call Dorman and ask them what they think about the advice of simply waiting and driving the vehicle in hopes of the battery stabilizing. I don't know if this shop is acting as an "authorized" vendor of Dormans, but Dormans really doesn't want incompetent people installing their batteries. Perhaps Dorman would step up to the plate and/or be willing to deal directly with you about their battery, and perhaps suggest a different local installer of their products. At the very least it would be an interesting phone call.