Just wondering, what happens to the battery in a rear end smash. Does it shut down safely or do I have to look forward to my hair standing on end like the 'hair bear bunch'. (If anyone can remember that) Is the battery well protected?
You should really search for your answers before posting willy nilly The batteries are prone to damage in a crash in the same way a petrol tank is. They have shut off safe guards and the like but in the event of a severe accident I'd recommend avoiding the big orange cables.
If you are truly interested: Emergency Response Guide https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/staticcontent/en/techinfo/html/prelogin/docs/2ndprius.pdf Prius Dismantler Guide http://www.toyota-tech.eu/HYBRID/HVDM/EN/PRIUS.pdf
Thanks for that folks. Grumpy, I don't seem to have the knack of searching the forum just yet. I tried putting a few key words in but didn't get any results that were of use. I wonder if I am doing something wrong?
The traction battery is mounted just behind the rear seat under the hatch area floor. It extends about 8" back from the bottom of the seat back you see in the hatch. If your car is folded that much it's doubtful you would survive to worry about it, but the battery is in a steel case which would, in most cases, ensure voltage can't get out (shorts internally). If "smashed" the battery will leak potassium hydroxide, about as dangerous as sodium hydroxide. Fumes are not usually a problem in my experience (I've mixed new electrolyte for such cells and have gotten it on my hands as well - it's no big deal, but will "burn" skin after a minute or so). The battery contains about as much energy as two large standard car type 12V lead acid batteries. This -could- start a fire, but there are fuses in there to prevent large energy discharges (more than a few hundred amperes). It would have to be a very bad accident to damage the battery. So bad that the fuel tank would also be damaged (it's just ahead of the battery and below it). The battery is placed where it is because that's the safest place to carry it (and weight distribution is best there too). Statistically, damage to the battery has not been a problem in accidents (if it was there would be a deafening hue and cry and there hasn't been). There have been many accidents involving Prius. In most the occupants survive without serious injury.
Use the Google Search option. Alternately you can search directly from Google, which is how I do it. Construct your search as normal, then add "site: priuschat.com" to the end of the search string. Using this topic as an example, I would use this search string in Google: This produces about 53 hits. Edit: Note that I had to put a fake space between the ":" and the "p", otherwise the PC software turns it into a smiley face. Don't use the space when you do it. Tom
Hi FT, Actually having had the experience in a 2006, I would say the battery pretty well protected. No damage to it, and the car was still in Ready after everything came to a stop. I was hit from behind by a Chevy Suburban. If you are not familiar with a Suburban, its a vehicle about the size or three Prius cars put together. The car was crushed right up the shelf the battery sits on. That is probably why they have it there, up on a shelf. Everything below was crushed together with the rear of the car. The Spare Tire probably acts to deflect the impact downward. I hardly felt anything, and thought I had just had a fender-bender accident. When I got out of the car, I could not believe it. The guy must have hit me at 30 mph plus.