I know some here have seen the Barcelona red in person, and described it pretty well. There are also some poor quality pics on Carson Toyota web site. Does anyone own a BR Prius yet? Is there anyone who can post some hi-res pics of the true color? I stoped by my local dealer, and they had the salsa of course, but also a Tacoma in the "Radiant Red" Is the Radiant Red close to the Barcelona? Thanks for any help/pics We ordered our 06 as Barcelona Red, and the wife is afraid it will be bright. So if we have to change color, we will have to wait longer again. I really hope BR is closer to the "Radiant Red", rather than a bright plain "Absolute Red". Here is a Solara in "Absolute Red" Here is a Tacoma in "Radiant Red"
I think Radiant Red and Absolutely Red are in their own league. Barcelona, judging by the real-life pics posted elsewhere here is somewhere in between those two above and Salsa Red.
From the chart on :http://fleet.toyota.com/html/documents/MY_...Color_Chart.pdf Barcelona Red appears darker and richer than either of the other two. I am considering BR for my purchase here in Australia (what a decision!!).
Have you read this thread.... its still at the bottom of the page....posted yesterday at 10:11 pm http://priuschat.com/Just-looked-at-a-Barc...Red-t13105.html
Color is notoriously hard to communicate. The paint is made of many pigments, with metalic flakes and a clear coat top. The color of the light illuminating the paint changes how the color looks, as the pigments and metals absorb and reflect various wave lengths of light. You're looking at a CRT screen that is putting out red green and blue light, or an LCD screen that is filtering out cyan, magenta, and yellow light, but it's very unlikely that what you're looking at is calibrated, so every one of us is seeing a different color of light coming from our screens. Color from a screen is the addition of colors, color from a paint is the subtraction of colors. Completely different in how the eye perceives color. That's where an external color reference can come in handy. The <a href=\'http://www.pantone.com/\' target=\'_blank\'>Pantone Corporation</a> has the Pantone Matching System (PMS) color reference which is used by graphics artists around the world ro communicate color. Barcelona Red is almost PMS 484 with a touch more cyan and a little less black. The only way to really understand the color is to see the paint, but here's a comparison that can give you a very general idea. I included a pure black and pure white circle for reference. The JPEG and PDF are the same material.[attachmentid=1171]