ok dont know whats happening here but i got a losy 1 liter on 18 km or 42,34 MPG on my last tank.... i never dropt \below 47mpg on winter drives i did do more short drives then i have ever done and maybe check the oil because the dealer got its go again on my prius. and i also did not pump up my wheels like i normally did..... mmmm grrrrrrrr and ofcourse last winter was one of the worst ever..... also put in my grill block a bit late.. damm al these mistakes and so.... and still get 42mpg...... but i want more more moreeeeeee
ive been reading around this forum and ive seen that some or most cars get better mpg in warmer temps than colder temps....
Short trips in winter - I have nightmares about these things I've not yet ceased to be amazed by the technology, and have a tough time understanding those who find it lackluster or ordinary. It gets about double the mpgs of the average American passenger vehicle in the worst of conditions!
I too have the winter hit going on, and I put new tires on in Dec. Double Whammy I am going to do the grill block next winter, lets see what happens then! I would really like to find some sort of moveable flap affair. If it gets too warm out retract, remove, reposition whatever, just move it out of the way! Considerng my best tank was 48.8mpg, this winter it's hitting around 43.5mpg, not too bad for me. Come on tires, break in, weather, warm up, and by all means lets get the GOOD 87 Octane out, we gotta personal best to beat!!!
KK6PD - Are you still in in LA like your location says? If so, I don't know if the 49°F average minimum January temps count as winter ;-)
My front yard on Sat the 26th a couple of days ago... My fountain was quite frosty! You were saying????