Me too with the turn indicator - many other cars have a flashing indicator on the wing mirrors why not the Prius? The side windows don't clear when its been raining and you roll them down and back up again - they are still covered with rain The hatch door rains rainwater into the trunk if you open it when it has been raining, e.g. when you have been shopping and want to put your purchases in the trunk. If you are a rocket scientist you can pair only a single phone with Bluetooth in the Prius - that is if with your doctorate in Physics you can understand the appallingly badly written instructions in the manual Having paired one phone with the car you then have to set up those contacts you might wish to ring separately in the car comparedtopother Bluetooth facilities where you simply pair the phone and then state the name whenever you want to ring someone. The temperature with AC full blast is comparable to a cool oven - to call it Air Conditioning is a joke. I really wish I had never even heard of the Prius let alone bought one