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Bad experience with coastal tech

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by RaleighMatt, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    Just want to let people know customer service with Coastal e-Tech is severely lacking. I ordered the lockpick last Monday and paid for 3 day shipping. I received notification the following day that included the UPS tracking. As of noon today, 1 week later, the UPS site shows NO update :eek: , from what I can tell the package hasn't even been shipped. Furthermore, I wrote to Coastal 4 days ago about this and have not received a response. :angry:

    Why pay for 3 day shipping? Waste of money! I'm probably going to cancel my order completely. :angry:
  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    If coastal has a product in stock they usually are very prompt in shipping. If not you usually won't hear a thing.

    If you got a UPS tracking number I'd be more prone to blame UPS than Coastal in this case.

    But yes, it's well known that their customer service sucks and their failure to respond to your inquiries is common behavior for them and unacceptable in this day and age.
  3. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I really wish we had another source for his doo-dads. He's never responded to my inquiries about putting together group buys on the site or helping an international PriusChatter purchase something.
  4. davidandjodi

    davidandjodi New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I was very pleased to have incredibly rapid delivery of my Lockpick! Unfortunately, it would not fit our 2007! (superficially it looked like it would, but the plugs were totally incompatible.) Repeated emails to them have gone unanswered, except one that asked if I had a problem! Long ago I mailed back the 2006 model, but have been waiting in vain....

    [Our Garmin EyeQ 3600 navigator is still working splendidly, and seems to offer clear guidance in places where Toyota/Lexus can't! And god forbid you should be religious...; if you ask the toyota/lexus for the nearest church you'll never get there...!]

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RaleighMatt @ Feb 19 2007, 02:46 PM) [snapback]392854[/snapback]</div>
  5. dmckinstry

    dmckinstry New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Cheney, WA (Near Spokane)
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Feb 19 2007, 10:57 AM) [snapback]392862[/snapback]</div>
    I'd agree that if a UPS Tracking number has been received, the package is out the door.

    BTW, from their web site, how do you tell if they have an item in stock? Does that happen after checkout, or is there some other indicator? I'm planning on getting the basic Lockpick. Actually, I ordered one over a year ago, but they lost the ordering info, and I never followed up, as they never replied to my emails. When I made the original order, they did phone me though.


    Dave M.
  6. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 19 2007, 04:11 PM) [snapback]392953[/snapback]</div>

    I'm sorry that's not correct. First of all the UPS site clearly says " Status: Billing Information Received" and furthermore " Billing information has been sent to UPS. Check site later for updated shipment status or contact shipper for more details. " It has said that same thing since the initial e-mail notification 6 days ago.

    All this means is that Coastal slapped a tracking number on a package which either has not been completed or is complete and hasn't been handed to UPS to ship. If anyone thinks UPS picked this up last Tuesday and hasn't updated their tracking then you haven't ever used UPS before. They are money when it comes to this stuff.

    I still haven't received a response, it's quite simple, coastal if you are reading this, respond by end of today or I'll cancel my order, reverse the charge on my credit card and, if you ever do ship the item I'll refuse it and send it back! Clear?
  7. aaf709

    aaf709 Ravenpaw of ThunderClan

    Apr 23, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2022 Prius Prime
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 19 2007, 01:11 PM) [snapback]392953[/snapback]</div>
    Nope, I ordered an Auto-Lock and NAV kit (pre-Lockpick) in April '05. I knew the NAV kit wasn't out yet, but expected the Auto-Lock to come sooner. Nothing told me whether it was out of stock or not. It arrived in September '05, after a couple of phone calls and an email on one of the Prius Yahoo sites. The NAV kit arrived in January '06. On the other hand, I ordered their EV kit in February '06 and it arrived a little over a week later.
  8. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Feb 19 2007, 03:49 PM) [snapback]392933[/snapback]</div>

    wow I didn't realize they were this obnoxious. I don't know about you guys but I think we should demand they change their non-existent customer service or we stop buying from them. Period.
  9. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RaleighMatt @ Feb 19 2007, 05:23 PM) [snapback]392987[/snapback]</div>

    Here's an update on this issue. someone e-mailed Coastal a link to my original complaint and what do you know they finally responded.

    So here is how Coastal e-Tech does business: They have contradictory information on their website, you might see something is backordered - yet you can buy it AND pay extra for 3-day shipping. Instead of them sending you a nice note and letting you know they can't ship it in 3 days and have refunded your extra shipping charge what do they do? They send you a UPS shipping tracking number less than 24 hours after your order, letting you believe the item is on the way. In addition, (also within 24 hours of your order) they change the website so that it no longer says the item is on backorder. All of this would lead a reasonable person to assume the item was shipped. 2 days later, when you, the customer (a.k.a reasonable person), realize the UPS information is still the same and UPS hasn't even been given the package yet, you e-mail Coastal. Here is that email:

    to: [email protected]
    date Feb 15, 2007 3:18 PM
    subject Re: Order I03464 with www.coastaletech.com

    I placed this order on Monday and paid for three day shipping and you haven't even shipped the item yet! I think you need to refund my shipping.


    2 sentences. Quite clear and to the point, IMHO. 4 days pass. Not a word. Not a peep. Not a sound from Coastal E-Tech.

    You e-mail again:

    to: [email protected]
    date Feb 19, 2007 1:38 PM
    subject Re: Order I03464 with www.coastaletech.com

    I still have not heard back from you regarding my order. I placed an order on Monday 2/12 and as of today 1 week later, the UPS tracking information still has no status other than they were notified to pick up a package on 2/13. Where is my package? I paid for 3 day shipping!

    I need a refund of shipping costs and I need confirmation of that by the end of business today or else I'm going to contact my credit card company and reverse the charge for my entire order and cancel my order. I do not appreciate the fact that I wrote to you 4 days ago regarding this same issue and have not received the courtesy of a response.


    Several hours go by. No response. You post on Priuschat.com and then you send a final notice to Coastal E-tech:

    Still no response? Respond by 6pm PST today or I will be calling my credit card company and the next two calls will be to the Better Business bureau and the Attorney General for California.

    (1) Where is my package?

    (2) When will it be shipped?

    (3) When will I receive it?

    (4) Confirm you have credited my credit card for the extra shipping I paid when I selected 3 day shipping.

    Failure to do all 4 of these things by 6pm PST today will result in the aforementioned actions. I am very unhappy with your complete lack of customer service and have already posted about it on priuschat.com

    Order # I03464

    And here is the rude, insulting, and complete wrong response that you receive from Coastal:

    Another customer has sent me a link to the email you posted maligning this
    company. You placed a 3 day air select order for an item that is on
    backorder. It clearly states that item is on backorder when placed in the
    shopping cart. You are then given the information a second time via a
    confirmation email that also clearly states the item you ordered is on
    backorder. When you place an internet order you have a responsibility to
    read the information given, if you choose not to look at the info that is
    provided we certainly cannot be blamed for that. Although that item is now
    shipping, we have cancelled your order as you requested, your card has been
    refunded and expect that you will post that you chose not to read the
    information given which is why you were uninformed, and quite frankly,

    mailto:[email protected]

    Finally, here is my response to them. I will later post and let you know the final outcome/their response/non-response to my last e-mail which clearly details what they need to do to satisfy this customer.

    WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. YOU ACCEPTED PAYMENT FOR 3 DAY SHIPPING THAT YOU COULDN'T FULFILL! What exactly are you suggesting? Are you saying that because you said the item was backordered and took extra money from me for 3 day shipping that you should be allowed to keep the money for nothing just because YOUR website and instructions/shipping choices are confusing and contradictory? Please answer yes or no, because if "yes" I want to be sure to let everyone on Priuschat.com know about it. and if "no" then your entire response is bs and you have no point.

    If the item was backordered then why would you even accept 3 day shipping? The very next day, in fact within 12 hours of my placing the order your website no longer listed the item as backordered. At the time I placed the order I assumed that either

    (1) the item is backordered and will take more than 3 days to arrive in which case your company would OBVIOUSLY not accept extra payment for 3 day shipping that you couldn't possibly satisfy. (or would accept it "automatically" b/c I chose it and then you would use your BRAIN and refund the extra shipping the next day when you realized you couldn't fulfill the agreement you made!)

    (2) The item is backordered but due within a day or two and you would take my extra payment for 3 day shipping because you knew you could get it out on Monday or Tuesday of last week and get it to me within 3 days, in which case I wouldn't care what happened behind the scenes b/c I'd have the items I ordered in 3 days like I paid for.

    When the item no longer stated "backordered" as of noon EST on Tuesday Feb. 13 AND you sent me a UPS shipping number, it was clear to me that you had the item and you were shipping it. This was incorrect - because you PURPOSELY misled me.

    "although the item is shipping we have cancelled your order as you requested"


    (1) Again, you purposely word things to mislead. What you mean is "the item hasn't shipped yet and you pissed us off because you called us out on the message board so we are going to cancel your order....."

    (2) "....even though we know you didn't cancel the order". Let's see, my e-mail in THREE different places, specifically said that if you didn't respond by 6pm PST today, that I would cancel my order. You emailed me at 2:24pm PST. (fill in snide comment of your choosing here, I'm sure you can imagine what I would like to say about that)

    The bottom line is this. The ONLY way you will satisfy me as a customer is to ship the items to me via 3 day shipping before the end of business tomorrow (meaning I will receive said items via UPS by Friday - unless THEY have a problem, in which case I will not blame you) and refund me the $13 and change that I paid for 3 day shipping.

    This should be something you can easily do and I shouldn't have even had to point it out to you. Do you honestly think that had you said "I'm very sorry we did not respond sooner, we are extremely busy (or whatever excuse you want, I really don't care). I have already credited your card for the extra shipping in the amount of $13.xx and we have shipped the items to you, today, with 3 day shipping to make up for the delay" - do you honestly think I would have a problem with that? Because that's all I asked for all along. Had you responded to my message I sent LAST WEEK, I wouldn't be pissed off in the first place.

    So again. you send the items via 3 day shipping (or faster) before the end of business tomorrow and refund me the $13 and change that I paid for 3 day shipping and upon receipt of items and credit of $13.xx, I will immediately post to Priuschat.com and explain that despite my initial disappointment you did rectify the situation to my satisfaction and I recommend you to others.

    Finally, because I refuse to let something untrue that you said slide, my post was not at all unfair. If you had responded in the 4 days since my first e-mail to you on Thursday, we wouldn't have a problem. That's the bottom line and we both know it, so don't blame me. Your customer service sucks, you do not respond to e-mail in a timely fashion, if at all, and there are many posts on Priuschat.com to back me up.

    As I said, stay tuned, I will definitely post and update everyone on whether Coastal actually apologizes for being rude and non-responsive and fixes the problem, or if they continue to insult and attack me for their shortcomings.
  10. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    It occurs to me that in order to further support my position and to more adequately illuminate Coastal E-tech's purposely misleading information, I should post the UPS tracking information I received less than 24 hours after I placed my order, TAKE SPECIAL NOTE OF THIS PART "SCHEDULED DELIVERY 2-15-07".

    Important Delivery Information

    Scheduled Delivery: 15-February-2007

    Shipment Detail
    Ship To:

    Number of Packages 1
    UPS Service: 3 DAY SELECT
    Weight: 3.0 LBS

    Tracking Number: ******************
    Invoice Number: I03464

    IMAGINE THAT, AN E-MAIL CONFIRMING MY PACKAGE IS BEING SHIPPED AND SCHEDULED TO BE DELIVERED TO ME ON 2-15-0 - COINCIDENTALLY THIS IS EXACTLY 3 DAYS AFTER I PLACED MY ORDER - Just as I had requested and paid for. Yet, I'm supposed to think that all of this means something entirely different. That the package had not been shipped, the item was on backorder, and that I would not receive my item on February 15th.

    This is Coastal's position: I receive an e-mail telling me Coastal was shipping the item via UPS, 3 Day Select, with scheduled delivery on FEBRUARY 15th and it's MY FAULT that I interpreted this to mean that they were shipping the item via UPS 3 day select and that the scheduled delivery was February 15th. That's their position.
  11. dmckinstry

    dmckinstry New Member

    May 4, 2006
    Cheney, WA (Near Spokane)
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aaf709 @ Feb 19 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]392979[/snapback]</div>
    I'm talking about current procedure. Someone (elsewhere) indicated that if an item is indicated to be in stock there was no problem getting it in a timely fashion.

    I did the same thing with ordering the NAV kit as you, but didn't order it until later in the years (I got my car in August). Ttheir web site indicated that the ordering information had been lost. Since I never got them to reply to my email, I didn't follow through on a reorder. I did get the EV kit about a week after I ordered it though.

    I'm still thinking about getting the basic Lockpick though. However, not unless I can find an indicator that it's in stock.

    Dave M.
  12. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I simply can't understand why Coastal can't/won't improve their customer support...a high school kid for 2 hours a day could improve it 1000% to make the customer support as good as their products. But instead they've repeatedly responded defensively and somewhat rudely once people are pushed to the point of going through an exchange like this.

    They really are good people, but this is just not a way to run a dignified business.
  13. jlchellman

    jlchellman Junior Member

    Aug 27, 2006
    Potomac Falls, VA
    2015 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RaleighMatt @ Feb 19 2007, 01:46 PM) [snapback]392854[/snapback]</div>
    I had a similar experience with Coastal's 3 day shipping but they responded to my email and phone message. The LOCKPICK arrived and works absolutely great on my 2006! If you're smart you won't cancel your order...Coastal is the only company aroud that makes this product! Just relax and be patient. The LOCKPICK is worth the wait!
  14. Trevor

    Trevor Member

    Jul 5, 2004
    Staten Island, NY
    2006 Prius
    Wow, I've been thinking about ordering, but I don't think it's worth the risk of an order falling through the cracks or having a technical issue. There are much nicer ways to tell a customer that they are full of it if that is what they believe. But the better way to get a repeat customer and gain the trust of potential customers is to treat everyone with respect.
  15. AnOldHouse

    AnOldHouse Member

    May 1, 2005
    Middlesex County, Connecticut
    2012 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RaleighMatt @ Feb 19 2007, 05:23 PM) [snapback]392987[/snapback]</div>
    I've ordered three separate times from Coastal and had one time where I had to have product replaced because it didn't function.

    I've always gotten my products in a reasonably timely manner (standard ground shipments only, I'm clearly not as impatient as many are around here) and have been thoroughly satisfied.

    I will definitely order from them again in the future when they have something new that I want to add to my car, without hesitation.
  16. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Feb 19 2007, 09:25 PM) [snapback]393058[/snapback]</div>

    You pretty much nailed it in my opinion. They clearly ignore e-mails - and do so purposefully. Consider: I wrote them Thursday and was ignored for 4 days. I wrote them again today and was again ignored for about 4 hours, until I posted about them on here and then voila, they immediately write me a rude e-mail. Well, they gave themselves away. They told me someone e-mailed them a link to my post on here. By responding so quickly once I posted on here, they proved to me that they read e-mails VERY promptly (because they wrote to me within an hour of my post on Priuschat.com and they "claim" they were notified of my post by....drumroll please...someone e-mailing them and telling them about it!) So basically they read your e-mails right away, they just don't bother doing anything about it.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 19 2007, 09:18 PM) [snapback]393057[/snapback]</div>

    Hey here's an idea, just e-mail them and ask them if it's in stock. :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sure they'll get right back to you. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dmckinstry @ Feb 19 2007, 09:18 PM) [snapback]393057[/snapback]</div>

    Or! You could check their website and see if it says "backordered". Because from what I can tell, MAN THIS WEBSITE IS UPDATED LIKE, ON THE HOUR! JUST CHECK OUT WHAT IT SAYS RIGHT NOW:

    Our offices will be closed Jan 8th 9th and 10th to attend the CES show in Las Vegas. See you there !!
    The Happiest of Holidays from our family to yours!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    They have messages on there that are 2 months old and I'm supposed to take their word for it when a page says an item is "backordered"??? lmao. What a joke. The front page is no where near current and does not have any relevant information but I'm supposed to believe the page that said "backordered" is ? No way Jose. :p

    Oh wow, this just keeps getting better. Here's my last update for the night. So check this out, now their website says this:


    Are you freaking kidding me!!??? Oh my god. People seriously, we need to stop sending this fly-by-night operation our money. They send me a rude e-mail and now they're trying to cover by lying about it and making up stories on their website. Wow. This is really blatant and obnoxious. Just to set the record straight, b/c I really hate liars, Their system sent me an automated e-mail response when I placed the order initially. It is that e-mail that I replied to and that went to them. There was no typo involved because I never typed their e-mail address. Not to mention they RUDELY e-mailed me directly and signed it with their name and website URL. Not to mention that the e-mail I received came from "[email protected]" !!

    What's next Coastal? Someone hijacked your website and stole your e-mail password???
  17. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Trevor @ Feb 19 2007, 10:30 PM) [snapback]393085[/snapback]</div>


    I thought I would update everyone. I have e-mailed Coastal 3 times since their rude, obnoxious e-mail yesterday. Since that time:

    (1) Not one response

    (2) My credit card has not been credited/refunded for any amount

    (3) They changed their website to claim that if you get a rude e-mail from them it's your fault because you sent your e-mail to the wrong place and that "other company" sent you a rude e-mail. Unfortunately, this is a bald faced lie. Unfortunate, but not unexpected. In fact, I replied to their e-mail to me, so I know I sent the e-mail to the right place, and I know the rude e-mail I received was from Coastal.
  18. MPG > HP

    MPG > HP Junior Member

    Feb 26, 2006
    I've had several hundreds of dollars waiting to send to Coastal Tech for their products for about 6 months. However, I am fine to wait longer, until the positive to negative comments on PC start trending more from 1 to 8 to 8 to 1. Makes one wonder if there isn't someone else out there with similar engineering skills who could do a better job at customer support. I guess the market just isn't large enough. I keep hoping, though! Meantime, I'm sure the rest of us appreciate those who support these guys, helping them get their act together, and all. Seems like the geek appeal of their products (yeah, they really seem great!) might not be able to sustain their customer base.
  19. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
  20. RaleighMatt

    RaleighMatt New Member

    Sep 11, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MPG > HP @ Feb 21 2007, 01:50 AM) [snapback]393791[/snapback]</div>

    I'm thinking about that too, I'm a computer programmer and my dad is an electrical engineer. From what I see they've got a couple wires and piece of plastic that they're charging $99 for. The no response/no customer service/rude response if any comes free with any purchase. :lol:

    I might have to talk to dear old dad about a little doohickey we can put togther and sell for $50 bucks. Way I see it all we have to do is make the Prius think it's moving.....