Beckett (Baby Skwyre7) was born yesterday at 12:52 PM EST. He weighed 7 pounds 1/2 ounce and was 18.75 inches long. Mom, baby, and I are all doing well.
Awesome! Enjoy every moment, and when it seems tough, know that it keeps getting more fun as they grow. My baby turns 18 this year. Seems like yesterday.
Congrats Michael and welcome Beckett.:welcome::baby: I would suggest getting some sleep now while you still can.:yawn:
Congrats! and remember, when he misbehaves, as all children do, it's definitely worth it in the long run <g>. My two boys treated me to a theater weekend in New York City last weekend to celebrate my 60th birthday - they're 37 and 30 now - and they're my pride and joy - they've made my life so much richer than it used to be! I was reminiscing with them about the joy of watching all the little 'miracles' that happened as they were growing up - things like learning to walk, learning to read, learning to ride a bike. Adam, who has sons 6 and 3, nodded his head and said he understands about that 'joy' <g>. I'm sure your life with young Beckett will be equally joyous.