Prius in Japan can park themselves. Our cars are so smart they can almost drive themselves. If you could just enter your destination on the NAV computer, and your Prius could drive there without your intervention, what would you do with your free time?
I put other because if it could do that I surely would be able to surf the web and hang out here. Wouldn't the image of doing that freak out people in the other lanes! Of course some of the other choices would raise some eyebrows too! Happy Holidays Bill
A vehilce that can park itself is not that shocking to me. A vehicle that can drive itself while managing to avoid obstacles and collision with other vehicles is an entirely different level of difficulty. I would love to see autopilot happening in my life time, but I am not holding my breath...
I agree, Ceric, that it's not going to happen soon, but if the car had forward and rearward looking radar for collision avoidance and smart cruise control, better GPS and database, and probably modified roadway, we'd be there. This is a hypothetical question, not a 2006 option question. IF you had autopilot, WHAT would you do?
Interesting question. I hope we get a chance to try this in a few years. I would read email, get some work done, check the news, and of course read PriusChat!
I'd cover my eyes, terrified it was going to crash and kill me. I have a friend (back in Fargo) who has a better driving record than I do, but when I ride with her she scares the c**p out of me. How much worse if the car drove itself? Oh, yes, I'd get carsick also. I always get car sick if I'm not driving. It's much worse if I try to read, so that's out. Maybe I'd listen to audiobooks and Teaching Company lectures, as I do now on the airplane. I have no affiliation with The Teaching Company (, but I love their lectures. The Story of Language and The Origins of Life are the best ones I've listened to so far.
Ok, I guess I'm not alone then on getting sick as a passenger in a vechicle. And if I were to read on top of it NO WAY! (Couldn't happen )
That's why I chose "other" as my vote. I would spend my time freaking out that something is going to happen or maybe waiting anxiously to take over control when something pops up.
Chose "Other" too because "driving" wasn't an option. Seriously though. I think that I'll let the Darwin Award candidates beta test this for a while. I'm not gonna be an early adopter of that technology.
i'd totally be eating. work starts at 830 so i have to set my morning schedule up so that i dont eat breakfast in order to get as much sleep as possible and leaving enough time to get to work. eating in the car would be lovely. <3
Sleep. No question. Other than that, read, watch DVD's, talk on the phone, pay bills, that sort of thing...
I would definitely sleep, that is one thing I just can't get enough of. Even with 7-8 hours per night, I could always use a bit more. What can happen if you put a boat on autopilot (headed to Catalina Island off the coast of OC/LA) and manage to fall off the boat en route: Missing Boater Found Clinging to Buoy Doh!!
i'm 22.. i put sex.. why? because i could. More than likely i would read though. It's what i do when other people drive. Is gaming an option? i would remove the front seats.. put my 37" LCD Up there and play halo 2.. or hook my computer up.. but i don't think the prius could possibly handle the 500watt demand of the system.
Same thing I do at work with the autopilot on, READ: The Nation, Harper's, Wired, the local paper (though it sucks), Asimov, Heinlein etc.
Damn! You don't need an autopilot for that, hell I see people doing one ofr more of the above every day while driving. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well they think they're driving anyway.