The drivers' side window is auto down and also auto up with no stop feature to prevent a hand or something else from being sliced off. [I almost got my hand caught in it] Auto up is a great feature, but there should be an auto stop if something gets in the way otherwise this is VERY DANGEROUS and Toyota should think about this. I have never seen auto up in a vehicle without some way of stopping it [aside from pressing window button] if an object is in the way. There is a way if tension is placed on the window while it is going up to make it stop or retract. Any comments?
The driver's side window does indeed have a jam protection feature to stop the window if it is unable to go all the way up without encountering resistance. I have not experimented with how well this works, however I do know that this is one of the set-up items for the new vehicle as well as whenever the 12v battery goes dead. Refer to page 41 of the owner's manual for specific discussion of this feature.
Many premium vehicles have auto up for the driver's window and the sunroof (auto close). It's the same technology used on the auto closing side doors or liftgates on minivans. The difficulty is in sensing the anti-pinch feature so that you don't injure or trap a child in the window. Usually they sense an overload condition on the window lift motor before it has reached full travel. I still wouldn't stick my hand in there to demonstrate though. Incidentally, someone told me that there are two reasons that Toyota uses the push down/lift up window switches: 1) they are metaphoric; the switch moves in the same direction of window movement, 2) A child kneeling on the door panel switch will open the window and not close it. Apparently there have been some injuries and/or deaths due to this kind of power window accidents. Scott
I swear I tested this, and while it clamped down on my hand it backed off before anything like pain happened. Perhaps it was a dream... :?
Ummm... the manual specifically says, don't test this with "any body part". Though you could use somebody else's body part; or even better, if you have a cadaver lying about... (Seriously -- maybe test it using a folded-up towel instead?)
Well, somebody had better tell the manual to speak up next time. I never heard it say a darn thing... :naughty:
i tried it and it works fine. about the same as a automatic garage door opener. in fact, you might feel safer to tug on the window WAY before it gets all the way up as i did.