All of those were 'crash for cash' scammers and get exactly what they deserved; a wrecked car and no payout.
Jalopnik's picked up on this and has a link to his channel: Russia's Newest Folk Hero Is A Car-Crushing Bus Driver Called 'The Punisher'. Channel at Канал пользователя Volkosob832 - YouTube. I sorted by popularity and of the few that I watched, it seems pretty clear many of those folks intentionally cut him off and were braking for no reason.
I suffered a hard-driving Geometry teacher in high school that drove the school bus the same way. On day, we felt bump from an unfortunate dog that did not get out of the way fast enough. One guy blurted: "I BET THAT DOG DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH GUTS TO DO THAT AGAIN!" I don't think he had a date that weekend.