Siri Humor - Having Fun With Siri - YouTube Q: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Siri: A woodchuck would chuck as much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
You know you want it. There's stuff like Siri says some weird things | This is my next... and Shit That Siri Says now. Now that I think about it, this is perhaps another example of Apple's genius marketing... unless it turns out to be a flop of a feature that nobody really uses (I almost never used (WAY more limited) Voice Control on my iPhone 4, probably because my 3G never had it.). The humorous responses from Siri have people talking about it. Then people will ask "where can I get it?" Answer: "Gotta get an iPhone 4S." I haven't seen Google or Android vendors advertising The Siri app that worked on earlier iPhones stopped working today, presumably because Apple didn't want to support it anymore and to steer people into getting a 4S. You could say stuff like "Where can I get drunk?" or "I'm drunk". The first would find bars near you and the second would bring up taxi services.
Silly. Probably would be a lot of fun for about five minutes. I agree with cwerdna that it's a great marketing strategy as it will generate loads of internet chatter and personal showing-off: "Look what my phone can do!"
Siri by far is the best voice command on any mobile device partly because it can carry a conversation. Also Siri is deeply integrated into the OS so anything you ask it to do, it will get done in the iOS's native apps. Voice Action is also deeply integrated into the OS and can do anything you ask it to do but it can't carry a conversation. Any requests that's not integrated into the OS will result in a web search. There are other voice assistant apps for Android that can carry a conversation but the response is not as refined as Siri. I asked SpeakToIt "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" That bitch replyed: "I'm still learning about that myself, Who are you. As soon as I know, You'll know" I asked Vlingo "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" It replyed: "As much wood as a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood." I think the race is on between Apple and Google to integrate IBM's Watson into their voice assistant for the ultimate personal assistant. Imagine carrying a conversation with a true artificial intelligent and none of that crap that Siri is currently replying. You can ask your phone jeopardy type questions and get accurate and true answers. Also to make it more fun, Apple should make options for maturity level and level of intelligence of its response.
As opposed to the internet chatter caused by "oh my God, that guy's nose is someone's butt. Eeeewwww. I'm creeped out."
Siri is only at the first baby steps. Give it time. One of the things Siri can't do yet is to turn Airplane mode on/off (imagine that!) But this technology will only get more and more sophisticated as time goes on, now that there's a real practical use for everyday tasks. The market will surely respond to this new interface. It's like going from the command line to a GUI.
Did you guys see on - "Call me an ambulance". Siri says, ok, I'll call you 'ambulance' from now on.
ask siri "Find me a prostitute" and wait for the response also tell siri "I want to kill myself" and wait for the response....
HAHAA, I asked Siri the same question and she told me it depended on whether or not it was African or European wood... what a crackup
Just goes to show that some software engineers at Apple have way too much time on their hands........ I sometimes find little things in service manuals for the equipment I have to maintain..Program Buss, Preview Buss, Parkhill Bus? Grass Valley Group went to the extent on one particular video waveform monitor, you press 3 specific buttons simultainously, the screen display turns into little fishes swimming around, way too much free time......
Question... Does the Siri assistant system at Apple store all these questions asked of it? As time goes on, is the database being tuned, based on these questions? Oh, and since I don't have an iPhone, could someone please ask Siri "Can God be found by science?" and "Amy Winehouse... HOT or NOT?" Thanks in advance.
I suspect that these cutsey answers to some stock questions are actually a marketing strategy: They generate internet chatter, "show-me" moments, YouTube videos, all of which are free advertising and get people thinking about the phone, which is important to generating sales. I'll bet that if the truth comes out, these things came out of the marketing department, not the engineering department, though everyone at Apple might have been solicited for ideas. The trick is to answer the silly questions with entertaining answers while not interfering with serious/useful information in response to serious questions. The machine can make a joke when you say "Call me an ambulance," but it better dial 911 when you say "Call an ambulance."
I'm starting to become less impressed by Siri as most of her responses are 'would you like me to search the Internet' Boo
Siri is not the only one. A lot of the android‘s personal assistance responses are also resulting in web searches.
from Siri Settings page: "When you use Siri, which includes the dictation feature of your device, the things you say and dictate will be recorded and sent to Apple to process your requests. Your device will also send Apple other information, such as your first name and nickname; the names, nicknames, and relationship with you (e.g., “my dad&rdquo of your address book contacts; and song names in your collection (collectively, your “User Data&rdquo. All of this data is used to help Siri understand you better and recognize what you say. It is not linked to other data that Apple may have from your use of other Apple services. If you have Location Services turned on, the location of your device at the time you make a request will also be sent to Apple to help Siri improve the accuracy of its response to your location-based requests (e.g., “what’s the weather like here today?&rdquo. You may choose to turn off Location Services for Siri. To do so, open Settings, tap Location Services, and slide the Siri switch to “off”. Information collected by Apple will be treated in accordance with Apple’s Privacy Policy, which can be found at"
I had a battle with my SpeakToIt against a friend's Siri from work today. He thinks he won because it's Siri and it's made by Apple. I think I won because I paid half of his iP4S and got more than double the storage and most of the questions got the correct response. More than half of the things we said to Siri got the "I don't understand" response. Even those proven to work such as "knock knock", "tell me a joke", "Open the pod bay door", "What's the best phone" Even though most of those requests didn't worked on STI but at least it understood it and admits that it cannot do those things right now but will in the future. Other things such as play music, "how's the weather", "where can I buy marijuana", "where can I find strippers", "I'm drunk" and capping on the virtual assistants all worked on both. Siri has a more natural voice than STI's Sam but Sam is close behind. Both have that robotic accent except STI has a thicker accent. STI has an avatar that you can change to your liking include skin color, hair style, clothe, ethnicity. You can make the avatar look Asian, white, Hispanic, black, middle eastern. You can ask Sam to smile but that's the only thing she could do. Siri can carry a batter conversation but STI is not far behind. I tried to get Siri to quit itself numerous times but the bitch won't go away. It only took STI 1 try to get the bitch to quit. Anyway, it was cool to play with Siri. But after a while, it got old. Even now I still don't play with STI. It's faster to just do it on the phone instead of speaking to it. I doubt that I'd play with Siri more if I got the iP4S.
What does Siri say when you ask where you can buy marijuana? Does it know the local drug dealer, based on data it collects from other people's phones? Does it know where the strip joints are, or do you get a silly reply?
we tried several times. Siri listed several strip clubs but inconsistently. Sometimes it said no strip clubs near by. As for MJ, also inconsistently. Sometimes it would list head shops near by. Sometimes it returned nothing found. It was all laughs.