Is there a way to display Asian character on the navigation music display?? Like Korean, Japanese and Chinese character This is 2014 with so many international people driving Prius and they can't display different language characters.
don't think it has been made a standard today in the automotive. ride a new Hyundai/ford/GM/Chrysler and they pretty much behave the same way. I am sure the Prius in Japan does Japanese.. LOL
You haven't updated your location so it's hard for us to say. As above, the JDM Prius is in Japanese and I'm pretty sure the Chinese version gets Chinese characters too. If your car a grey import? If you've purchased a cheap ex USA market car and imported it into another country, then you might be out of luck. The same applies to people who import an ex JDM Prius into Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand, etc and find their car only displays Japanese characters.