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"Arrival" dates?

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by katieoh, May 26, 2009.

  1. katieoh

    katieoh New Member

    Jun 9, 2008
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hey Prius folks!

    So, it looks like my momma's in the market for a Prius... and I was wondering how long it's taking for the 2010s to come in?

    [Truth be told, I'm a little confused as to why Toyota's running nationwide ads for them when they aren't at most dealers yet... but I digressed.]

    For those of you "on the waiting list," when are yours due in? Is the ordering process similar to last summer's, where the dealer gets their allocation and you hope they get in what you want, or are you ordering them how you want them and they get them in? [We were on the waiting list last summer, but ended up not being able to swing it at the last minute!]

    Thanks guys!