My wife really likes her 2013 PIP. She use to drive a 2006 Prius. Today she told me the following about her new car. * When she has her seat positioned where she likes it, her elbow now goes into the cup holder close to the arm rest. She never had this problem with her other car. * The 2013 PIP is much nosier than her old Prius. On several occasions she thought the window was open. *There is less storage space in the front. She is having a hard time getting use to the new interior design. She feels the older Prius was much more open. She misses the front storage drawer (Items were not seen) in the old Prius, and the cup holder behind the front seat. She also told me she is amazed with the new technology, navigation system and apps. She loves the new design, and thinks the blizzard pearl color is beautiful. Many people ask her about the car, and they are extremely interested in hearing about the technology and wondering if she will get stranded once the battery runs out in electric. Other than her few concerns, she is very happy she bought the car.
my wifes new hycam has a sliding armrest. it moves forward 3-4". pretty good idea and hopefully they'll incorporate it in the prius, although i would prefer a more camry like center stack with cupholders on a flat console and more storage. i came from an 08, and don't find it noisier. perhaps you should have her weatherstripping and window upper stops checked.
agreed about the space. we came from a 2006 prius and one of the biggest gripes about the PiP is the lack of storage space. We can't even get a square box of kleenex in the arm compartment anymore so we have to put it in the open space under the shifter (which could use some sort of organizer).
How close are people sitting for this cup holder phenomenon to be that much of a nuisance? I'm 5 foot 9 and have to be up against the steering wheel for my elbow to naturally land in the cupholder. In my normal driving position I cant get it to happen without intentionally tryingbto do it! Lol SCH-I545 ? 4
I moved up from a Regular 2011 Prius to my 2013 Base..I had no problem with the cup holder in either and the 2013 is much more quiet.. the only thing is I liked the larger screen in the 2011 ..the GPS is much better in the 2013. At least now she recalculates. and stopped telling me to make "U" Turns. Sometimes I know a better road to travel