Remember that Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus during the Civil War and Roosevelt signed an executive order for the Japanese-American internment during WWII. I kept the choices to two "yes & no" because those are the only ones needed. If you think that something can be modified without curtailing our Rights in any way then your answer should be "no" with an explanation in a post and if you want to change or add a law or provision that changes our rights in anyway then your answer should be "yes" with an explanation in your post. And now (drum roll) let the poo hit the fan! Thank you. Wildkow p.s. Please, keep the Bush bashing to a minimum so that we can keep the focus on this timely and important issue.
I voted YES. I've nothing to hide, so I don't mind it when they search my bags and whatnot, or even tap my phones. On the other hand, I WOULD become agitated if jackbooted thugs knocked on my door several times a month for a "check up"....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 11 2006, 10:57 PM) [snapback]253891[/snapback]</div> Ditto. This is exactly how I feel. If they want to listen in on my phone calls, fine with me, but they'll get bored pretty quick! Things like discussing your 3 year old child's defecation habits is usually only interesting to the parents.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ May 11 2006, 08:14 PM) [snapback]253907[/snapback]</div> Haven't spent too much time with "camel's nose" but I do keep a certain quote by Ben Franklin around. It goes something like this: Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Absolutely no. If I knew that actual victory on the War on Terror could be achieved, real peace with no more bloodshed and all hostilities ending in the Middle East, then yes. But only for a short amount of time. But we all know that you cannot win the War on Terror. We cannot outspend 'them' like we did with the Soviets during the Cold War. These are terrorists who have nothing to lose so they will fight forever. What needs to be done is actual conversation, some may call it "diplomacy", and figure out how we can end this madness without fighting. And end it soon. Our way of life and our Republic depends upon it. Boy, that was too serious! (a well placed smiley face will end the post on a good note)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ May 11 2006, 11:34 PM) [snapback]253926[/snapback]</div> Diplomacy does not work when someone ahs sworn to destroy you and is willing to give up their own life to do so. Conversation? You won't have much time to talk before that suicide bomber detonates his nice little vest. If relinquishing some of my liberties will protect me, it's a goood trade-off.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ May 11 2006, 08:14 PM) [snapback]253907[/snapback]</div> in the tent?
"Ditto. This is exactly how I feel. If they want to listen in on my phone calls, fine with me, but they'll get bored pretty quick! Things like discussing your 3 year old child's defecation habits is usually only interesting to the parents" This is exactly what Germans said when the Nazis came to power. "The govenment can do whatever it wants - I'm not Jewish, communist, mentally ill, or homosexual". My conclusion, sadly, is that a large number of people welcome fascism.
I just can’t believe that someone hasn’t already said it? Give me Liberty, or give me Death! :angry:
"Give me Liberty, or give me Death" We are certainly more likely to get the latter than the former. Point well taken, however. The people who say they don't mind the govenment tapping their phones, computers, etc are the same ones with the "support our troops" and "freedom isn't free" bumper stickers. I think they are badly confused, which isn't surprising considering the massive media effort to keep them confused.
No...this country ,in todays age, reeks of 1939 Germany...SS everywhere...everybody paranoid, who or what is around the corner ready to GET You...all this continues to be fed by a press that just feeds on it...and keeps the circle going for whatever agenda the hidden govt has...(talk about paranoid <_< )
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 12 2006, 11:10 AM) [snapback]254072[/snapback]</div> Then again, we're not exactly Germans, nor is it 193x.....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 12 2006, 12:00 PM) [snapback]254098[/snapback]</div> I'm drawing a logical analogue.
I voted 'no' and am replying without reading any prior replies. In my opinion, we have the technology and laws in place now to fight a good fight without the sacrifice of individual rights. I do not think that any reason justifies the loss of individual privacy and rights. I further believe that it is a very slippery slope once you begin taking things away from people for justifiable reasons. Terrorists use guns and therefore guns should be outlawed for non-military ownership. Terrorists have been known to send messages using the internet and therefore the internet should be banned for all but military use. Terrorists spread their beliefs by talking to people and therefore "freedom of speech" should be outlawed. I can see it now: "Dammit!! We're in a war here people, we can't have the media printing articles questioning the government's actions; we can't have people saying negative things about our Commander in Chief; we can't let anything keep us from spontaniously searching a citizen's house without a warrant and taking whatever we deem necessary; we can't let people practice religions that teach counter to what our government believes; we can't take the time to fully try those who should be imprisoned as soon as possible and God help us, we absolutely can not allow people to use any technological communication device without their conversations being recorded, catagorized, and stored in a database where it can be parsed, analyzed, and used as evidence at a later time."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ May 12 2006, 12:41 PM) [snapback]254138[/snapback]</div> Very good. You pretty much covered it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ May 12 2006, 12:04 PM) [snapback]254104[/snapback]</div> Right. Funny, you can rag on Bush all you want, jack booted thugs won't be kicking down your door... You can organize anti-Bush rallies, jack booted thugs won't be kicking down your door... You can openly yell in Times Square about how much you hate Bush, jack booted thugs won't be kicking down your door... You can start your own political party/movement against Bush, jack booted thugs won't be kicking down your door... Last I heard, Jewish business were not marked nor boycotted... Likewise with Muslim owned enterprises... Where are the concentrations camps? (and please, Gitmo is a lame answer) Where are the book burnings taking place?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ May 12 2006, 12:41 PM) [snapback]254138[/snapback]</div> 1. We should not be fighting a "good fight" - we need to fight THE fight using whatever means available to us to ensure the greatest chances of success. You only lose once in the real world. 2. Dont take this wrong - your opinion is worthless about what technology we have, or what capabilities our enemies have. Was it your opinion they were going to fly planes into skyscrapers before 9/11? We have people in place who know more than you and are better positioned to make decisions regarding our safety than you. 3. It is a slippery slope - one that we have down several times in our nations history - and if history serves me well, we always came back to "normal" after we fought the "good" and SUCCESSFUL fight. The Constitution accounts for times when our "rights" have to be curtailed to ensure that our nation SURVIVES so we might enjoy them again - remember - when you lose the "good" fight - you lose all your rights FOREVER. 4. Terrorists DONT use guns - the use airplanes, chemicals, biologicals and nukes (if they can get them). If they only used guns we would be ok even if they fire them from behind women and children like they do now. 5. You got the internet thing right - and we have been unable to track them via the internet - much like we cant track them now when they stopped using cell and satellite phones thanks to our press's aiding and abetting the enemy - someone should tell them we were using that safe technology to fight the "good" fight. And if the Brits where using it they could have stopped the train bombings last July. 6. Name one American harmed by the current set of laws that has taken away their civil liberties? Name one harm inflicted. 7. Amazing how people critisized the government for not connecting the dots concerning 9/11, but when they are trying to connect the dots now they get the business. Are you the same guy who would be screaming for Bush's head if we get hit again?????? Our greatest enemy is ourselves and our failure to defend ourselves to the best of our abilities. Enough.
Camel Toes? Oh Camel Nose... whats a camel nose???? I Voted "yes" as I do not have anything to hide, those that have a problem should be shipped out to one of the third world countrys for 6 months to see how good they have it here, even with all the inconvenyances. I swear we are so spoiled due to everyone giving into all the culteral changes we implment each year.. Example: Before 02 I had never heard of Kuwanza whats that??? Black christmas of sorts.??? I do not know....