I've seen some forum posters here claim they got say, a 2007 115k miles for 3500 bucks. I'm like how'd they do that? Was there check engine lights all over the place or something, and they knew how to fix it? Or was everything supposed to be working properly, and they STILL got it for 3500 dollars? Over here, I see prices at craigslist go anywhere from 4500 to 7000, like wth? There was one on another thread I posted eariler, 2009, 61k miles, mint condition...BUT for 8100 dollars!
Prices are higher out here, but that doesn’t mean they are in better shape. A lower mileage Gen2 will still have similar battery concerns as a higher mileage Gen2. The only difference (IMO) is that the remaining components have less wear on them, making the car have more “value”. But the owners selling their Prius also perceive this, and price it high. The trick to all of this is getting the seller to understand the true conditions of their Prius and understand what you know will happen during your ownership of their Prius. As an example: we own a 2010 Prius II with 200k miles on the clock. I have done a lot of preventative maintenance to it and it is in good condition. Here’s some pics: EGR Evangelist’s car receives a light clean-up and Optimum Gloss-Coat I will be selling our Prius next weekend for $4500. Could I have gotten more: Yes Was I going to drive this much further had I not had an opportunity to help someone out: yes Will something eventually fail that will be pricey: yes Do I think that an expensive repair is something everyone is ready to deal with: no Just one example I am currently in. Good luck and keep us posted .
I buy them around 3k all the time at dealer auction. Last one (the one you referenced in OP) went for cheap cause injector was unplugged and motor knocking (fixed when injector was back plugged in)....From my experience hunting for them daily --- they go for 3k with under 130k miles only if they are slightly beat up and running good (a few ugly dents, interior need a cleaning, etc.).....or if they are clean but have a major mechanical problem (in my example it was clean with mechanical problem). They will not go cheap both clean, under 130k, and no issues. Looking in your area the good news is you have tons of supply. In my area (Michigan) there are only 4 or 5 priuses under $5000 at any given time on Craigslist. Sometimes none and sometimes only 1 or 2. I believe Bay area is the Prius capital of the world and looks like there are at least 20-40 different vehicles to choose from at any given time. I'm sure deals are out there. I recommend ignoring the odometer and go with how clean it is and how it runs. Looks like you guys have a lot of super clean in/out Priuses with over 200k miles around $2500-$3000. Overall I think Bay area compared to Michigan is about the same price. Your high mileage vehicles are 10X cleaner than Michigan high mileage vehicles...and way cheaper. Your low mileage / mid mileage vehicles are slightly more expensive.
As others have said, the SF Bay area is a high-cost area. I would like to say that I am the original owner of a 2004 Prius with well over 190,000 miles. I have only seen the "red triangle of death" once, when the 12 V auxiliary battery died. I have had zero major issues other than that. I take it to a dealer for maintenance every 5,000 miles. Other than that, I just put gasoline in it and drive. So it IS possible to have a high-mileage Prius that has not had any major problems. I have no idea what mine is "worth" - it is much more valuable to me as a working vehicle than as one for sale or trade-in. -Graeme- 2004 Prius with >190,000 miles. Sent ?.