It just occurred to me that in the few weeks that we've had our PiP, I've never felt the occasional "hardening of the break pedal" that was the subject of a few threads in the Gen III forum. Our 2010 didn't do it often but every once in a while, when backing usually, the break pedal would come up hard and it would be impossible to make a smooth stop until I turned the pwr off and back on. I'm betting they addressed this 'bug' in the PiP? r
Hopefully they did figure it out... if that is the case, however, I wonder why they haven't issued a T-SB to fix the problem. Probably not enough people complained....
My braking is also somewhat hard. I wish it was smoother, more gradual. I have to really touch it to have a bit of braking, but adding more pressure brakes the card far harder than what my foot is pressing down, proportionally. Is this an electronic issue? I think the accelerator and the brake pedals are both unlinked mechanically.
I have noticed the same problem that was present in my 2010 Prius when I am pressing on the brake and I go over a bump in the road. It feels like the brakes stop working for a second until it regains the road.
Right, that's a different problem than the one I mentioned in the original post. I think you're going to have to live with that little bug. And wiggleman, that's just the way this car feels. That's not nearly as 'severe' as the hard braking problem that was apparent in our 2010. I think Toy has changed the firmware and fixed an earlier bug. r