Anyone notice that the paint seems to chip easily? At least on mine, I've noticed small pin hole-like chips, probably from road debris hitting it.
Oh yes! My front end looks like it has black zits. Can't wait till this spring and fill them in with touch-up paint (with a toothpick). I also have a couple of chips on metal areas like right next to the windshield. That has me more concerned (rusting). But my 97 Camry and two Toy trucks were the same (easy to chip the paint).
yes. My hood has 5 or so chips in it. About the same as my 04 impala had, but it took 5 years in that car not 5 months. I think the angle and the light hood and thinkness of the paint is why.
Yes, same here. I did get a bottle of touch up paint- anyone know what the little brass tip on it is for??? I think it's a matter of plastic parts being too soft for the paint that's applied to them, so the brittle paint doesn't adhere well maybe when it's hit under high impact by a small rock? Or maybe the paint isn't bonding to the plastic properly? I do not know, I'm not a paint person- but I do see the black marks on my front bumper.
Good point... but what about the fenders / quarter panels, are those aluminum or steel. That is where my dings are.