Ok, I just remembered I meant to ask this question earlier and never got around to it... I drove my Prius down to California this summer and on the way down along the coast highway from Washington State through Oregon, I ran across this unusual stretch of highway (middle to bottom of Oregon as I recall). It was right near the water, fairly straight and flat, and had these massive "speed detector" radar signs that show your current speed about every 1/2 mile or so for what felt like a good 5 or 10 miles. But for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the deal was - I mean there were no schools in the area, no obvious traffic danger, infact it was pretty quiet and deserted at the time. Anyone tell me what's so special about that stretch of road? Dave.
Haven't been down there, but I've seen those speed-monitor things in all sorts of places all over the country... not just in spots where there's an additional safety reason for them to make doubly sure you're driving within the speed limit.
That's a beautiful drive... but, they get a lot of fog there, and it can be hazardous driving under those conditions. So I'm guessing that it's either to encourage slower driving during fog; or, they're trying to get more county tax revenues by catching more speeders. In retrospect, the latter suggestions sounds more logical... :roll: