Has anyone been denied warranty because you had the scanguage plugged in ?? And if so what did you have to do next ??
The Scangauge is just an OBD2 reader/reset device. There are hundreds of different manufactured models with varying capabilities on the market. If a Toyota tried this (they wouldn't), then all warranties on all cars made since 1996 would be void by the same set of considerations. If you're actually concerned about this, just unplug the Scangauge whenever you take your car in for service. JeffD
the unit was in the car, just over and bebind the stiring wheel. It was not plugged in,I'm just waiting for them to say some thing about it.
There has been one incident where the Scangauge was blamed for a failure in the electronics. The Scangauge manufacturer immediately contacted the dealer and "reasoned" with them. The dealer backed down. They didn't want to be embarrassed in court!