Should have no problem keeping you with heat unless refrigerant is low or something is wrong now if it’s 110F and your car was sitting in the parking lot for hours baking to 150F inside it will take 15 + min to start to cool off the interior solid material first before it can start really cooling down. I have a mobile Business and I run from morning tonight especially when it’s hot I do not turn off my car I leave it running all day long with the air conditioning on full blast MAX . So even when it’s 90° hot and sunny out there by mid afternoon it’s still nice and 58° inside my car like foggy San Francisco.
Both of my cars have what is called "automatic" climate control. In this VERY hot weather, the temp control has gotten very "touchy" on both, but in different ways. I used to be able to vary the temp setting one degree or two and that would change the fan speed slightly and maybe vary the actual temp of the air a little too. Not when it is 95 F out and sunny. My Pc often blasts cold air when set at 70 and to get it to slow down a setting change of 4-5 degrees is needed. And of course after a minute or two, then it is too warm again. Then there is the Ford. It has a "threshold" at 72. When cooling and turned from 72 to 73, it slows the fan WAY down and actually start blowing warm air sometimes. I have concluded that in EXTREME conditions, reverting to manual control actually works better.
We moved here from Texas so know all about fighting the of the best things is having the windows tinted which really helps. I have to park her in the sun at work (no shade trees anywhere) and this big one-piece windshield shade is great. On Amazon SHINEMATIX 1-Piece Windshield Sunshade Foldable Car Front Window Sun Shade for Most Sports Cars SUV Truck - Best Heat Shield Reflector Cover - Blocks Max UV Rays & Keeps Your Vehicle Cool - Medium Fit