Every keyless entry owner nightmare:what are you going to do if you lose your remote and you're 300 miles away from home,and your second remote is home.One of my solution is to keep the spare key in a magnet container under the car,the second remote in the car hidden, with the battery taken out,any other suggestions?
Other than your idea, be able to have another one made at a dealer. Just like most other cars today, even those with keys (which usually have transponders in them), you pretty much have to go to a dealer and have one made. Even then you need to have the keycode number that came on a metal tag to have them program a new one. I emailed that code to myself so that I could access it later. Expensive.solution (going to the dealer) but possible. Best thing? Don't lose your keys.
When we travel together, wife takes one, I the other. Reduces chances they are both in the same place. I've lost the mag holders before.
we do the same. ^^^ even if i'm alone, i bring the second and leave it in my hotel safe, or wherever i'm staying.
2 Choices: 1. Buy a used fob and try to find a locksmith to reprogram it for a reasonable fee. 2. Throw yourself on the tender mercies of your local dealer. Good Luck!
I think there is a much higher chance of losing both keys while on travel. Leaving one key at home is the backup plan. If I lose my key on travel, the one at home can easily be mailed by a family member. I try never to keep both keys together except when at home.
I would remove the battery from the second remote, place both inside plastic zip lock bag or bags, and hide them inside the car where someone who breaks a window to get in will not find it. There are dozens of places to do this. For example, I would pull off a snap-on dash or rear panel and hide the key behind one of those. Unless you forget where you put it, nobody else will find it.