4 months ago I broke right foot bones, and am now restricted to a custom-made clamshell boot that keeps everything immobile and at a 90 degree angle. Still at least 2 more months to go before a halfway-house solution. The Frankenboot killed my back, owing to the difference between shoe heights, and no warning about this was offered by any MD. So I had to get some left shoes built-up by the local repair shop to even out my sacro/spinal alignment. After 5 weeks of prescribed physical therapy, I'm walking around again, carefully. The key to driving the Prius with the Frankenboot is PWR mode! It is difficult to press the accelerator pedal with no ankle motion, but PWR helps gets me around locally to run necessary errands. But I have to remember to turn it on each time I start up; I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THIS. There are other strap-on leg casts out there (I had to use one temporarily) that are so wide that they restrict access to the accelerator entirely, so when this s**t happens to you, think about how you will get around, and demand alternatives as needed.
Yeah, I posted about this a couple years ago, but it pretty came out to just push the button. Safer to have it come up in normal or eco because if it came up in power mode, they might take off too fast and hit someone or thing.
Discussion two years ago suggested that persistent PWR mode would likely have blocked the all-important 50 MPG EPA label.
My wife uses PWR all the time! seat belt start button PWR mode button 1-2-3! It's what you get use to..If it was sticky I would have to shut it off after she drives!LOL,I don't like ECO!Hope your doing better!
Unlike the Lexus CT, Power mode does nothing but adjust the pedal sensitivity. If you have 1.21 Gigawatts of power available in ECO mode, you have the same power available in PWR mode. Difference is you have to push the pedal further down in ECO to achieve the same result in PWR. So I doubt it has anything to do with the 50mpg rating. As for driving with your boot... Don't do that! Maybe you have a special boot, but when I broke my ankle and got one of those boots the doctors were very clear NOT to drive. What if you need to brake hard unexpectedly? You can't with the boot. It is very dangerous to you and everyone around you. My foot was wrapped in gauze like a mummy and then in the boot. So to drive, you take the foot out of the boot, but still in gauze and put it in a sandal. So sit down in the driver seat, take your one sandal you have sitting on the driver floormat, switch the boot to the sandal, and drive. Reverse when you are done. That way in an emergency you can switch fast and brake hard and only cause yourself extreme pain in the foot rather than total your car and rear end the car infront of you.
If the boot restricts your mobility to the point where PWR mode is necessary, you shouldn't be driving. Tom
Concur. Most competent drivers, even here in the US... accelerate and brake with the same foot. If you're one of these and you get into a panic stop situation, you're going to be fighting at least a few years of muscle memory that will have you trying to stab the brake pedal with your Frakenboot laden right foot. While you're trying to figure all of this out, you may run over somebody's kid. While I'm not the biggest fan of the selective 'sticky' modes for this car, but I got used to driving it in Eco mode from the beginning, and I got used to the throttle responses in that mode. As stated above, PWR mode does not give you more power. Good Luck. I hope your foot gets better.
Thanks for those of you who offered helpful replies, or concerns. To respond: How do you brake? (bisco) Just like you do, but the boot weighs 3 pounds, and I've had to learn to modulate braking on my sleepy neighborhood streets before I ventured further. And it takes time to move that thing, as was pointed out, see next. Dangerous! (2k1Toaster, ETC(SS)) It is certainly not what I prefer relative to my pre-January driving. OTOH, I am now super-vigilant and never distracted during driving, more so than before, as a way to compensate. Also, I'm doing quite a bit less driving--some stuff can wait until my sweetie and I are out on errands together. I would never drive on any freeway (well, the only one we have goes around town), and I avoid major multi-lane streets as much as possible in favor of the small back streets (if you're local, think Agua Fria instead of Cerillos). I am always ready to brake (hard if necessary is not problem, but my time lag has increased). The medical details of how I got bones broken and my back got whacked are not relevant to this thread--PM me if you want those details. Prior to this, the Prius mileage went up when my sweetie drove it, and went down when I did. Now the mileage is not diminished by my regular habits. Penultimately, I have discovered that the handicap spaces at my local megamart are frequently filled by scofflaws, especially at times like Friday noons and afternoons. Since that is private property, the megamart will not invite cops to ticket unless pressure is put upon them. Before I needed that help now, I had never used one to "just run in and get a couple of things" or ever at all during minor pains. Complaining to the megamart management is all you can do. Finally, thanks for the expressions of concern from PC members.
OP - I understand your dilemma. 15 years ago, I had a broken lower tibia and had one of those AFO "boots" for months. I had to drive as I was single so I learned to be VERY CAREFUL driving with it. Luckily, I had no incidents and I would coast a lot with my boot poised over the brake pedal just in case a severe braking situation was required. As far as PWR mode being sticky, I agree - why not? A prominent red light comes on in the dash letting you know you're in that mode so you won't be surprised. I wonder if it could be changed by the dealer like the annoying "reverse beeping"?