While I've been reading the forum since last November and posting occasionally, I' m proud to announce that our new 2006 Barcelona Red Prius has arrived!! Its a Canadian Package 'C' which appears to be roughly equivalent to the US package 7. Fully loaded less leather seats which are not an option in Canada unfortuantely. I guess we're also missing HID headlights but receive carpet floor mats, mudflaps and the 'auto' option on our headlights as standard. As well we still have roadside assistance and the first four oil changes on Toyota. I've also added a block heater, front hood deflector, side window deflectors and all weather mats. I've enjoyed reading the most helpful posts on this site to date and now will have some opinions based on the 'true north strong and free'. Cheers!
w00t! (That's in both Canadian and American English.) Enjoy! I have a new Barcelona, too. In fact, since we have a loose "chicks who drive black Priuses" club---wait, I don't mean THEY'RE "loose"--crap, never mind... Anyway, it's time for a Righteous Dudes With Barcelonas organization. Er, do you have "dudes" up there? (Yes, I know "up there" is an Americo-centric orientation, but I just don't like the way the U.S. LOOKS with the West Coast facing south. :blink: ) And since I prefer the Parliamentary system to what we've got, YOU'RE THE PRIME MINISTER!