So after a couple years, they (Apple) now have most but not all of the features of cheaper better devices that had been around years and years prior... Uh huh... I will stick with my beloved HTC devices that have let me browse the web (including flash), remote desktop to my home PC, download a bagillion applications (many for free as well), use all the office programs, and lots more for over a decade.
Here is my favorite consumer conflict: You can easily find 'the South' in red. The NorthEast stands out as well The Spanish West is distinct from the Louisiana Purchase West. Something is unique around St Louis. Have you favorite beverage and compare!
That's a great map. I've lived only in Western states so I'm not comfortable with "pop" as a term except when referring to the elder male relative in a household or when describing what you might do to a balloon or pimple. Since the Coca-Cola Company is HQd in Atlanta I suppose it must have a dominant market share in the South.
Yes, Apple is responsible for increasing the price of e-books to the detriment of the environment and readers. $2 off the hardbook price is insulting. Books over $10 are almost never on the Kindle best-seller list. As for being a Kindle killer, I suspect most if not all of the heralds don't own a Kindle or read any book. Regular readers aren't impressed with a pretty screen that you can't look at for more than 20 minutes, while reading. It may be better for newspapers and magazines (other than the more serious journals) but that hasn't been a big part of the Kindle. It's also nice to be able to buy a book while sitting in the airport without having to bring your computer. Oh, and there is a free ap for the iPAD to read your Amazon Kindle purchases. I've tried using Kindle for PC to read books on my notebook computer. I like the e-ink screen a whole lot better.
When I was at the recent CTIA 2010 convention in Vegas, had a chance to play with the new HTC gadgets Overall: very, VERY nice and impressive!
So, one of the compelling reasons is that ads are being developed just for the iPad and iPhone? :huh: They think I want to look at stupid advertisements ON MY CELL PHONE? are they NUTS?
No, it means you should buy a used iPad. Edited to say: I'm tired of those "sanitary napkin hur hur hur" jokes, but still admit that sounds kind of gross.
Agreed. The iPad can't hold a candle to the Kindle when it comes to ebooks. eBooks are coming down in price, too. With next month's release of the Kobo Reader on Indigo, it will, hopefully, push the price down of existing e-ink readers.
Ketchup and Catsup would have VERY similar numbers. Canadian Heinz Ketchup being the best tasting one .