Another example of why people get pissed off at stealerships

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by XravenX, Mar 19, 2004.

  1. XravenX

    XravenX New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Harrisonburg, VA

    There was a Black #7 ready to go. My second choice but that is fine. So my mothers partner calls me to make sure everything on my end is fine. He calls around 4:30-5ish.

    I call him back at 6:30, 2 hours later. I want to know the interior color and that would make the difference. So he tries to call the dealership and no one anwsers.

    This is where it gets good. He calls at 8am this morning. They sold the car to someone else. :Wth: The dealership closed at 5 and could not wait till the next day for us to get back to them. What if we weren't home? Do we loose our opertunity to get the car cause we weren't home?

    What is the point of being on the list if they don't have the respect to wait for us to give them a yes or no anwser. :cussing:

    I will grant them that this was a rejected car for another buyer. IE: He had priority and did not want it, but if they are going down the list and call me then doesn't that mean the car becomes mine to claim or not?!? There is a 50/50 chance (If it was gray I would have passed on it) that someone in MD is driving my car because they were willing to pay the extra money. I am more than sure that Darcars marked up the price and someone was willing pay it. :evil2:
  2. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    I would speak with the sales manager, and confirm that when the next boat arrives, you have first choice. One day is certainly not enough time - I know we live in an email/fast soceity, but you still have to give it at least 24 hours before doing anything, I'd think. Besides, it's not like this car is a hard sell - even if it took you 3 days to get back to them, they would sell it that same day to someone else I'm sure.

    As an aside, I have a Black #9 with grey interior, and I when I found out it was black, I was really hoping for tan interior, but I've found that I love the grey even better than the tan, it works well with the dash & steering wheel and all that.

  3. Ptpiz

    Ptpiz New Member

    Feb 2, 2004
    South Florida, USA
    Man, if that happened to me I would have gone to the stealership and beat up the salesguy and stolen his car. What a jerk!