Got this today: Hello, We are writing to let you know that your e-mail address was disclosed by an Amazon employee to a third-party in violation of our policies. As a result, we have fired the employee, referred them to law enforcement, and are supporting law enforcement’s criminal prosecution. No other information related to your account was shared. This is not a result of anything you have done and there is no need for you to take any action. We apologize for this incident. Sincerely, Customer Service Please note: this email was a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message. First off, ignorance is not a defense against abuse. You really need to be 'more clever.' Bob Wilson
Was there anything more to that email? Did you 'view source' on it, or examine the headers? Did they convince you it actually came from Amazon? I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't....
Nothing in the text above that points to phishing, but agree with ChapmanF, good to examine headers to view the source.
easy enough to call or chat with amazon and see if it is in their system. chat works great, very fast and efficient
I do not know. I saw some hits out there on this including one from Bloomberg back in the "long ago" (January 2020) - NOT what I normally consider to be a credible news source, and somewhat far removed timewise from this same-worded correspondence. Probably not a 'you' problem though....