When my 2024 PP SE goes into "Traffic Jam Mode", it asks me whether I will "Allow driver monitor camera recording." I click NO, but I wonder... where is that recording? Who can see it? What is it for? Can I access it? And can I disable that, it's distracting! Thanks!
Here's what Google Generative A.I. has to say about it: A Toyota Traffic Jam Assist system records footage through a driver monitor camera to ensure the driver is paying attention while the system is active, allowing the car to intervene if it detects the driver is not actively engaged in the driving process, like falling asleep or looking away from the road for extended periods; this is a safety feature designed to prevent potential accidents in stop-and-go traffic where the driver might become complacent.But it doesn't say why it needs to record you.
I'm guessing they are trying to CYA in case of a lawsuit. I don't see anything saying it's only restricted to the Traffic Jam Assist. I bet if you consent, it records everything you do after that. Very sneaky.