Hi Folks, Need some answers to tell my dealer. Bought new tires on the advice of several posts here. great tires, Goodyear Assurance. Had alignment performed at my dealer and car drove great with the exception of the steering wheel not being centered. I drove it back and a service writer took it for a ride and he saw what i ment. The lower spokes on the sterring wheel are off several degrees. Wasn't like that when i drove it in. It was just enought to make this perfectionist notice. They put it back on the rack several days latter and made some adjustments. Took it for a ride and they said if it wasn't to my likeing to bring it back. The steering wheel is still off. I was under the impression that when alignment is performed that the steering wheel is locked into the center posion befor they start. If wheel is off center all they need to do is correct the steering wheel itself not the whole alignment process. They had worked on it fot two hours and said if i needed to bring it back to leave it all day. Is it as big a problem as they are making it out to be? Thanks in advance. Charlie
Hello charliep I, too, am persnickety about my steering wheel being centered. My usual procedure when having work done on my Prius is to give them a "by the numbers" written request. For alignment [likewise for the steering shaft recall about a year back], I always include a comment like: "Please see that the steering wheel is centered so I don't have to return the car." <-- That's a polite, subtle way to say "If you don't center it, I will be back and you'll have to re-do it!" I have a good dealer, they also maintain my tire pressures when rotating tires and use my oil [Mobil-1 Synthetic - 3½ qts to avoid overfill]. I just traded up to a 2007 Touring Edition and returned it to my favorite delaer service department [not where I bought the 2007] for alignment with just under 800 miles on the clock. I requested and received a printout of the 'before/after' alignment specifications. It's not unusual for a new Prius to have an alignment problem what with the jostling it gets being shipped from Japan and transported around the U.S. before delivery. A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS 2007 TO ALL
with an alignment ya can't just fix the steering wheel itself without readjusting the toe. but yes, they do need to start off with the steering wheel straight or there's no use in redoing it.
Hi Charlie, This has come up a lot on PC, and I experienced it too when I had some suspension work done to my '06. First off, the dash has some weird angles and it's tough to determine what "straight ahead" really looks like, regarding the steering wheel. It looks to me like the top of the dash has that arc and so doesn't really present a good reference, and the little debossed rectangle that's directly behind the steering wheel isn't necessarily much help either. My perception was that after the alignment mine slanted a little to the right, when looking at the spokes and the center part. But after a little while, it seemed that the "other" way was wrong... Then I just sort of put it out of my mind and now I don't even think about it any more. Don't know how far off yours is, though. Some have suggested using a level, I suppose that would work as long as you're *sure* that the wheels are pointed *exactly* straight... Honestly, you might be obsessing a bit about this; I did and others on this site have felt/acted as you have/are.
Mine is better after two alignments. It's still tilted a bit to the right, enough to notice but not argue about till I need another alignment. Since the alignment has to ensure that the tires line up with the car's centerline ("exactly straight"), then the alignment tech should be able to get the wheel centered. But they just probably peek in while the car is on the alignment rack, and that's not the same as sitting behind it.
When you take it in ask to talk to the guy who will be doing the alignment, not some service writer. Show him what you want, take him to the car and turn the steering wheel until you think it's straight and tell him that's how you want it when the car is going straight down the road. It should take less than an hour to adjust it then you should do a test drive and if it isn't right take it back immediately. I've been through this and that's what worked for me. Keep after them until you get what you want, good luck.