Incredible! :blink: I was only speculating about the aliens invading earth to prove a point in a different post. But it turns out it's TRUE! Only in this case, the aliens are genetically mutated pigs. Is it too late to launch an attack? :lol:
Guess these folks never heard of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" I wonder if there is going to be pig segregation now.......
They can be trained as Search and Rescue Pigs, 'cause they glowww in the snowww. A low-level reading light (so your spouse, on the other side of the pig, can sleep)? Seeing-eye pigs? Combination night lights/doorstops (with legs removed)?
good ideas there.. but i got it.. you create a couple hundred of them.. emercency landing strip lights... yep.. that must be it.. just.. uh.. don't hit th light
It just occurred to me: Maggeth, you remind me of that chick in the movie, "The Spying Game", I think it was... You know, the one with Brad Pitt and Robert Redford? Whereas your character is Brad Pitt's love interest...
I thought about who you remind me of and only LITTLE JOEY comes to my mind [Broken External Image]:
I do not like it, Sam I'm not! Green pigs might taste a lot like snot. If eggs turn greenish when they rot Then no green pigs shall grace my pot.
That's actually pretty cute Maggie.... :lol: So here's a question for you: If you saw me on the highways around here (which isn't unreasonable as we're both in the Boston area), would you: 1. Flick me off 2. Wave 3. Totally ignore me 4. Attempt to run me off the road? :lol:
Although there may be no evidence that proof of such possibility does not exist, the existence of no evidence must be proven by fact, which needs to be validated by more evidence, which can only be verified by data proven to be fact, which we all know may only be confirmed by providing enough supporting evidence to prove that in fact the fact is fact.
I can only there a problem with pigs at night in Taiwan? Are they escaping their pens? Do they then need to be rounded up in the dead of night? OR perhaps they are wandering onto the roadway and causing too much damage when they are being hit. Should we then breed green deer, skunk and cats to try to reduce the roadkill here in the U.S.? I wonder what they taste like? When you eat they then glow green inside of least for a little while? If you pooped after eating green pigs....would your spoor then glow in the woods? (Notice I avoided the $h¡t word)