just installed my aic ipod into my prius. brand new ipod fully charged. worked perfectly all day yesterday while I was driving. today I pod is deader than my hopes and dreams any suggestions ?At the present time I have brought the ipod into the house and am recharging it using my computer. If this is normal then how would I keep the ipod charged with the car off?
if you have it on random play, you need to pause it otherwise it will continue to play while the car is off. this is what happens in simple mode. some people have reported that AIC mode (the mode that displays song info on the MFD) does not do that, so switching to that mode might help. another thing you need to consider, eventually you may find that your battery will need a boost anyway. i dont have this problem because i have two ipods. the one has all music on it, the other has all podcasts. i usually only listen to the podcast one (its a mini with a clip so is more portable) on longer drives since the many podcasts can be an hour long. doing this enables the music ipod to recharge as soon as the car comes on. other than that, its kinda a hassle to have to pause it everytime you stop, but it didnt take me long to get used to doing so...no more of a hassle then setting a parking brake or whatever. the benefits of having a 300 CD library at my fingertips far outweighs the inconveinence as for me, im kinda anal about it anyway. i always turn off the heater, defroster, windshield wiper, etc anyway...in Wa state, turning off the windshield wiper is kinda wishful thinking during this time of the year
To add to Dave's experiences, I've had mine on Random; but I shut off the power to the radio/stereo system before switching off the car. No discharge problems at all (so far).
hmm never thought about that. but the power to the sound is shutoff when the car is off so i dont see how that would work?