So you're 87 and still driving? I can understand why you would not want to be associated with a 50 year old youngster... Keith
A 50 year old youngster? Ehmm.. I'd like to check in as a 18 year old here. Thank you very much. PS.. Just kidding. I am 18 though.
I am betting Mickey had no idea who drove the Prius, looks like almost 50% are in one age group, and another almost 50% in another. Next poll, break down those two groups into finer groups. He has 3 years in one age group and 60 years in another.
Having a category of 50+ is crazy, as confirmed by 38% being in that category. My guess is the OP is well under 50, and used a parochial eye when designing the poll. And, I'd also guess that a large percentage of all Prius owners are 50+.
50+ group is a pretty large population it seems like. Maybe revise to 70+ or something. I'm in the 18-21 range though haha
48 here. Caveat: I'm not an 'owner'-just an operator. You can lump me in with the 50+ crowd if you want to. Senior citizens are one of the greatest untapped resources in the country.
Ha! I just turned 50 the day I picked up my car. I selected the 41 - 50 range cause 50+ should read 51+
Oh Boy,,,, Now you have let the cat out of the bag. Next thing you know, they will raise the taxes on anybody over 50, thus restricting us from saving for our own retirement. Keith P.S. When I was 18, I thought my father was the dumbest man on earth. When I was 21, I was amazed at how smart my father had become. - Mark Twain
I'm not 87, my vision and reflexes are better than most 30 year olds but, I fall into the 50 plus group. How Old are you mickey513? There is a huge difference from 50 to oh say 115.
If it weren't so many votes in the 50+ category, I'd edit the poll to spread out the options. Better question is - how old were you when you bought your FIRST Prius? Mine was in Nov 2001, so the answer for then would be different than the answer for today.
But don't you think that would be better than not getting to that day? :eyebrows: (says this 57-yr old)... !