I have a 2010 Prius with 150,000 miles. The electronic water pump failed and caused the engine to overheat. Toyota is saying to replace water pump and engine all together with a used engine. I’m trying to figure out do I invest more money in this car? Do I buy another car (knowing what the used car market is like)? If I do repair this car do I go through Toyota or an independent service provider? What is the difference between a used and rebuilt engine? I’m open to any and all suggestions or advice.
I don't know what coast you're on give a call to JDM importers you'll get it to ZFXE from them Little mileage takeout for about $1,040 if you were real smart you might get a transmission to match it so that your engine and transmission will have about the same mileage which would be about 80 grand maybe slightly less from Japan domestic market I drop that in my 13 engine and transmission The transmission was another 200 bucks and now the car is good for you know $180,000 mi or so I think I paid my mechanic buddy $800 to put the engine in tranny in but he did not have to get the car running I did that Good luck
Definitely do your research and get quotes from as many dealerships/mechanic shops as you can. Remember it is a 12-year old vehicle so a lot more than just engine/water pump to be looking at, especially those HV batteries. Looks like you're in Texas so rust isn't a big issue down there, so that's good. Up in the rust belt, car accidents and rust can kill any car. Another option you may look into is to have your own engine rebuilt...we have a few shops here in my city that do that and while they aren't fast, it used to be under $1,500.
You can try reaching out to HybridPit here in Southern California about getting a rebuilt engine shipped to you and having a trusted mechanic install it. I just had them put one in my 2010 and highly recommend their shop; excellent service. Also, since they're local I opted to go with a rebuilt through them over a used engine b/c I wanted a fresh one. Seems like it'd be more dependable to me.