PriusChat has a wonderful way to add pictures by way of thumbnails that open a floating window to display them. My question is: can more than 3 pictures be attached to a post, and if so how. I use either Safari or FF on Mac OS 10.5
Yes, you can add more than 3 photos to a post as attachments. After you've uploaded 3 photos as attachments, just click on the paper clip icon and "browse your computer" for another 1, 2 or 3 and then upload those. PriusChat limits the size of each type of attachment and the cumulative number of attachments that a user may post on this board (but does not otherwise limit the number of attachments a user may attach to any one post). I prefer to use my allotment of attachments for non-photo files only (e.g., Microsoft Word files, PDF files) because such files can only be included in a post by attaching them. * * * * * * For photos, I prefer to insert them full or large size right into posts instead of attaching them as little thumbnails. I like this better because the photo is full or large size and higher resolution and right in the text of your post. You can do this by either: 1. Inserting the URL of the photo off another internet site (click on the mountain/sun/yellow sky icon on the upper far right and insert or "wrap" the URL of the photo between the bracketed terms "imglink" and "/imglink". Or 2. Copying and inserting the BB Code from photos you've uploaded to a Photo Album that you've created on PriusChat. To create a Photo Album on PriusChat, click on the Photos or Photo Albums links at the top of any page on PriusChat. * * * * * * For further info on these or other website issues, click on the "FAQ" link at the top of a PriusChat page. You can word search the entire FAQ section.
I use my quota for off-topic useless and silly photos. There are plenty of serious people posting to this forum. It's my duty to compensate for them. Tom