… and, as Elon muskifies the soi-boy Twitter, into a manly, robust, virile free speech Muskville, intellectuals far 'n wide hope for an e-trickle, down to message board logic (e.g., yeah, you! moderators here at the Prius Chat), whereby ad hominems are permanently banned. Debate the issue. Contribute to it. Advance our discourse. No more personal attacks. If you want to censor our posts? Fine. Knock yourselves out. But, if you're not moderating for ad hominems, then you're feeding off them. If they're only in it for the ad hominems? If they can't debate the issue, or contribute to it? And, they're not getting dropped off the thread? Then, you are negligent, unqualified to be censoring, nor moderating. – Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile.
In all honesty, I'd rather read someone communicating hostility to me than being censored. It can be fun to mess with them if they deserve it. And every social media has different standards... I prefer Reddit the most because they allow people to scream and yell and name call and vent, but will still ban you or shut down your ability to post in a sub if you start threatening people with violence or similar offense. Reddit also lets you up vote and down vote comments and for every comment you post or if someone upvotes your comment you get one Reddit Karma point. If you get down voted you lose a point. So if everyone hates you there's the potential to have negative points, which means Reddit will severely limit how often you can post. I currently have 12.2K Karma points! As for Elon and Twitter. If he was truly planning to take over and buy them out it would of happened a month ago when he made his SEC filing to do so. All the chatter in past week or so about him taking over is a bunch of water under the bridge. His attempt failed and it's much ado about nothing at this point.
I think of him more as a queen than a king... A true shrew. And all his supporters are homophobic because deep down they want to be a queen like him too.