My sales rep is picking me up at 9:30 AM on 1/2/06 ( I am not trading my vehicle so I needed transportation to get down to the dealership.) Paperwork should be completed by 10am and then he has me scheduled for a class on all the things I need to know before I drive it off the lot. The instruction should take about 2 hours. The sales rep mentioned that I will be the only one picking up a 2005, all the "others" will be picking up 2006's. This dealership wants to get you familiar with all the Prius features before you drive off the lot. I am very glad they routinely do this when they sell a Prius. I think there will be a group class with a Prius tech and then individual one on one training with the salesperson who sold you the car. Anyone else scheduled for "training" and any idea how many will be at your delaership to pick up their new car on 1/2/06? I expect at my dealer their will be 5 or 6 of us picking up our cars Monday morning. Springtime
My salesperson has almost 10 scheduled for jan 1. He'll be rolloing in money at the end of that day. Mine won't arrive until late Jan.
We went to go "visit" my car last night - I love the red! We just drove around the parking lot - I wasn't ready to take it out in rush hour traffic at night. We drove around the back and there were about 16 priuses all lined up to be picked up on 1/2. I'm not sure about a class though. They haven't mentioned anything. One funny thing was, he forgot to give us the SKS when we took off, and the light flashed at us the whole time, but we drove it around no problem with no key in the car! That was really odd. I guess it was OK as long as we didn't shut it off.
Picking up my 06 Red at 10:30am on jan 2nd (dealers in Colorado are closed jan 1). The dealer didn't mention anything about a class. Must be something special in your area.
Springtime, where are you in Pa.? What dealership is giving you a class? LOL we are in the Pocono's and when we picked up our 05 at Motorworld, said well you probably know more about the Prius then I do so have fun.
I live just north of San Francisco, and pick up my barcelona red 2006 on 1/1. When I talked to them about how much time to figure in for paperwork and learning about how to operate this most stupendous of vehicles, he told me 30 minutes. 30 MINITUES? Id be suprsied if we finish the paperwork that fast, and as someone here pointed out, we PCers probably know more about these cars than the salesmen. Anyway, Im glad I purchased an online copy of the users manual for the 06 last week to review... I like so many others here am bouncing off the walls in excitement!!!
Stopped by my local dealer in SF yesterday. They had a row of at least 6 or 7 white 06 Prius waiting for Jan 1 pick up. No other colors, just white. Various packages but no leather.
This is interesting. My salesman needed a class, most of what he told me about driving the car was wrong. I learnd by reading the owners manual and then reading everything I could on this site. If the information were good a class would have been most helpful. If it is convenient could you take some notes and then let us know what they teach you? I think that would be fascinating.
Since I have never had even electric windows, much less all the gadgets that come with my 2005 pkg#6 I have a lot to learn and I will definately be taking notes. (Even the keys don't look like keys!) I want to be sure I know the basics before I need to use them - such as how to turn on the headlights and windshield wipers; how to open the hood and where to check the oil; how to use the smart key system etc. I don't want to be sitting in the car on Tuesday night trying to figure out how to turn on the headlights so I can drive home from work! There are many gadgets on newer cars I need to be familiar with before I will be comfortable with a new car, plus all the unique items associated with the Prius. Fortunately I am only four miles from the dealership and it is only a short drive home ( how much trouble can I get into in four miles?) My new baby gets the garage and stays in the garage if their is even a hint of snow in the forcast! I will keep my Tercel until April ( when I turn it over to my brother) and the Tercel will be driven in bad weather. So, I can take my time getting familiar with my new car. I am the type that reads the instruction book from cover to cover before I use any new piece of equipment - so the the dealer may need to spend some extra time with me before I am ready to drive it off the lot. I am glad the dealership does take the time to familiarize the new owner with the car. I will let you know what things unique to the Prius are covered. Springtime
I'm picking up my Barcellona Red, #7 on 1/1/2006 between 10am - 8pm. My dealer didn't say anything about a class, so I intend on reading the manuals from this site tomorrow. But what a great idea to have a class! Dealer said 21 would be rolling off the lot next week in their allocation for late Dec.
forgot??... i doubt it... probably did that to make sure you brought the car back... you probably would not have been the first Prius fanatic he had encountered
Maybe - but I had already put $1000 down, and he asked if we wanted to drive it around. Also, he's one that needs the class as mentioned above, and seemed surprised we were able to drive it around without the key in the vehicle :blink:
I'm picking up my 2006 Seaside Pearl (option package #6) on Monday Jan 2nd sometime after 2 pm. My salesperson comes in at 2, so before then I'll be headed to CarMax to see what they will give me for my old Saturn. I can't wait to get my new Prius!
I picked up my Prius this morning, and I talked to my dealer (Leith in Raleigh, NC) and he said they had 20 people picking up today!